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Claire T

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About Claire T

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    Norfolk Broads

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  1. Hi Donna Yes it is cambridgeshire - I actually live in a town called Ramsey which is out in the fen's in between Huntingdon and Peterborough. Is your sister a Fen girl aswell? love claire x
  2. Hi Elaine At last! - someone else who's read the book. I've also read breaking the vicious circle and found it very interesting. It was interesting to hear how you found actually implimenting the diet - I just can't see how my son would survive when he eats so little food already and most of that cannot be eaten on the diet!. Thanks for taking the time to let me know your experience. Claire x
  3. Hi Baddad Many thanks for the info I will have a read. Claire x
  4. Hi Summertime Yes it is related to leaky gut syndrome - What are your thoughts about it? There is a diet to follow in Dr Campbell-Mcbrides book which is based on the Specific Carbohydrate diet but it also excludes all diary initially. My son who is 2 1/2 has an extremely limited diet and I just have no idea how I could even try to impliment the diet. I would be really interested to know if anyone else has tried this type of diet and what sort of results if any they have had. Cheers Claire
  5. Hi there - this is the first post I have done on this site but have been reading others people's for weeks! I just wanted to ask if anyone had read a book by Dr Natasha Campbell-Mcbride called Gut and Psychology Syndrome? Many thanks Claire
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