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Everything posted by Paul234

  1. Hi, I am 46 and just been diagnosed with Aspergers, I got as many people to help like Adult social services, advocate from Mind etc. Just keep trying, Paul
  2. Hi, I had a good experience with the medical, I spent a long time writing out my form which contained lots of information, going into detail of day to day challenges. Paul
  3. Hi, its the same for me I have been waiting since october, I have been told its a funding issue with the PCT.
  4. Hi, I am waiting for a diagnosis at my local diagnostic place, I have had similar problems at work so its interesting to know there are othere that experience the same things. Paul. P.S. what does abbreviation DP stand for?
  5. Paul234


    Hi I'm a little older and waiting to be diagnosed by the diagnostic centre. Paul.
  6. Hi JB very interesting post, I'm in my mid forties but going for diagnosis soon, as a child I would get out and about in the fresh air , no computers in the past, I managed to cope but finding it harder theses days. Paul.
  7. Paul234

    New Member

    Hi thanks for all your replies, I've just had a letter saying he has referred me to the local diagnostic centre. My location says Norfolk Broads but I live near Southampton Lol Paul.
  8. I got loads of em, Paul.
  9. Hi I contacted the website and they told me the GP could refer us because the mental health team did not do Autism, the GP then goes to the primary care trust on your behalf and askes for the finance to pay for it, Paul
  10. Hi I'm no expert but from personal experience you can ask your GP for a referral to a proper diagnosis team there are very few in this country, this is the address of the one I have asked my GP http://www.adrc.co.uk/# Paul
  11. Hi apparently there are 100,000 adults in this country un diagnosed Paul.
  12. Hiya Matzoball Can you tell me if you had to go to a special clinic to get diagnosed, and were your symptons obvious to you over the last few years, I am being put forward for diagnosis by my gp Paul.
  13. Paul234

    I Need Advice

    Ive been diagnosed with OCD and I am being referred for diagnosis of aspergers, I feel good about this hopefully I will get better support in the future Paul.
  14. Hi I'm in my forties and found I am very sensitive to clothing and find it difficult to regulate temperature, I wear very loose clothing especially at home. Paul.
  15. Paul234

    New Member

    Hi Nice to meet you all, I have just asked for a referral for an assessment, so I hope to get some answers after discovering I probably have Aspergers. Should be interesting times. Paul.
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