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About trythis

  • Rank
    Norfolk Broads
  1. trythis

    hey :)

    ok thankyou Im considering going to see someone about it all but im not sure yet
  2. trythis

    hey :)

    Hi im new Im 19, female from North East England I have never gone for any diagnoses, but i am convinced i have adhd and aspergers, i have most of the symptoms, its like reading a description of myself for both. I also have issues with anxiety in that i panic all the time, have had anxiety attacks, i get paranoid abut everything and everyone, making me act cold towards people at times, thinking they dont like me or are talking about me or whatever I pull out my eyelashes and eye brows, sometimes nose hairs, and i bite and chew the inside of my mouth constantly, and bite the skin off my lips and around my finger nails as well as the nails too. I was wondering if going for a diagnosis would be useful, i dont know how helpful or not helpful it would be..?
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