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About jemimap

  • Rank
    Norfolk Broads
  1. We used a sound therapy program that was developed to help with dyslexia but there was some theory that it may help with APD in ASD too. Will PM you the name and you'll find it through google. It consisted of listening to music for 10 minutes each evening for about 6 months. We had regular appointments to modify the CDs. My son's language skills definitely improved but I couldn't say for sure that it was down to the sound therapy because we also put him on a gluten free diet around the same time. The diet definitely made a real difference to his mood and behaviour which must make the communication side easier for him too. Hope that helps.
  2. Your post really rings bells with me. My son was exactly the same at that age and I remember crying to my dad that I just couldn't fight with him any more. Five years on things are a whole lot better and have been for some time. I can share what made a difference and hope that some of it might help you. First a book called "The Explosive Child" (Ross Green) helped us see just how much pressure our son was under from the constant demands he was facing. Nothing most kids wouldn't cope with but just too much for him with the ASD. We eased off on the non essentials and it seemed to give him room to think. I'm sure others saw it as bad parenting but it was best for him at that time. Then, a gluten free diet did wonders to improve his mood swings, which were huge, and his communication. I'm sure there's lots of info on here about GF and GF/CF diets. Last, what you're describing as parrot fashion is pure echolalia which my son also had at that age. I'd guess a lot of his frustration is due to not being able to communicate as well as he'd like. I'd seek speech and language therapy if you don't already have it. I've heard great things about PECS as a communication tool though I've never used it. Also, visual timetables and the like can be very helpful. Hopefully someone will be along soon who knows more about these. I'm sorry things are hard for you now. I have been there but it really does get better. Keep your chin up. <'>
  3. jemimap

    Poor health

    I have to second this. My boy had frequent unidentified illnesses until he went GF and we've never looked back healthwise. Interested in the "Cyclical Vomiting" syndrome. Boyo was sick/high temp every fortnight, washed out for days afterwards, well for a week, then started all over again again. Looking back, it was like he purged himself of all the food he couldn't tolerate, body took a break from eating for a few days, started eating again then back to vomiting when the levels got too high. (I'm sure that's not the real science but it definitely fits.)
  4. Thanks all. It never seems quite so bad the day after but you have given me food for thought. Thanks again.
  5. Hi - just wanted to say hello and introduce me & mine. I'm mum to 3 kids, a 9 year old boy with HFA and 2 girls aged 7 and 2. Can I ask some advice straight away or should that go somewhere else??? It's just that I've really had it with this one. My boy has always found younger children difficult to handle, I think due to their noise and unpredictable behaviour. He gets on with his 7 yr old sister most of the time but he just can't tolerate our youngest. She dotes on him and follows him around all the time and this really winds him up. He's verbally quite nasty to her which I find really hard to handle. I try to help but I can't be dealing with this all the time and do everything else as well. Like now. I'm trying to cook tea, youngest is screaming for help with some toy, boyo has shut himself in his room to escape and middly is amusing herself quietly but always gets neglected this way. And because I jump every time the youngest shouts, her behaviour just gets worse. I'm exhausted. Any advice will be appreciated. Going now. Dinner's burning.
  6. jemimap


    Hi - just wanted to say hello and introduce me & mine. I'm mum to 3 kids, a 9 year old boy with HFA and 2 girls aged 7 and 2. Can I ask some advice straight away or should that go somewhere else??? It's just that I've really had it with this one. My boy has always found younger children difficult to handle, I think due to their noise and unpredictable behaviour. He gets on with his 7 yr old sister most of the time but he just can't tolerate our youngest. She dotes on him and follows him around all the time and this really winds him up. He's verbally quite nasty to her which I find really hard to handle. I try to help but I can't be dealing with this all the time and do everything else as well. Like now. I'm trying to cook tea, youngest is screaming for help with some toy, boyo has shut himself in his room to escape and middly is amusing herself quietly but always gets neglected this way. And because I jump every time the youngest shouts, her behaviour just gets worse. I'm exhausted. Any advice will be appreciated. Going now. Dinner's burning.
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