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About PW66

  • Rank
    Salisbury Hill
  • Birthday 03/01/1966

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    North East England
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    Lots when I actually get some time to do them!
  1. I enjoyed it (and shed a few tears too!) - it seemed well researched and didnt portray the dog as a cure, it was, as someone has said, a way in. (I've done the talking as something else to Connor, usually with his fave cuddly toy!). I loved the bit round the christmas table when he was very 'straight' with the not so fab uncle - priceless!!! I have to be really careful what i say when connors around, as he would (and has done) repeated something I've said previously! It was nice where they gave the updates at the end on how well Kyle was doing, and that he was actually studying child-care. Well done to ITV. Paula
  2. PW66


    Hiya, C is now 9 and still the only place I take him to eat occasionally is MacDonalds on a quiet Sunday, but at one time I couldnt even do that with him. He's never been particulary keen at eating out of his house, and even going to Nannas, he very rarely eats anything, he would much rather wait until he got home. I can very rarely eat in the same room as him, the smell of 'normal' food upsets him greatly, and the mere thought of baked beans or tomato ketchup is enough to start a tantrum, and distresses him tremondously. Also the world food aisles in all the supermarket upsets him too, he walks down them (because he has no choice!) with his nose plugged, and whinges and cries until we've moved a couple of aisles down! Paula
  3. Hi all, hope this is ok to post this here. While looking for some help sites for a someone else, I cam across some good Social Stories sites, with good examples, which can be used as is, or adapted to fit you. http://www.frsd.k12.nj.us/autistic/Social%...ial_stories.htm http://rsaffran.tripod.com/social.html#The%20stories Also when you register at this site http://www.sandbox-learning.com/?gclid=COH...CFQJPQgodnHkoUQ, you can customise and get a free social story about waiting - I've passed this one one to school, and they love it and are looking at other stories to purchase. Hope these help someone. Paula
  4. Thats fab loupin, I'm so glad you took the plunge and went, especially as it went really well. Well done to your little boy. Paula
  5. LOL, isnt it wonderful when they know exactly what they want and dont want! Connor was good today, after each present, he exclaimed " what a lovelt surprise, I am so surprised". LOL, I'm still now sure whether he meant or it was a rare bit of sarcasm coming thru, as a lot of it was stuff he'd actually asked for! Paula
  6. I'll be watching - I've read before about dogs and the empathy many of them have with people with disabilities, so i think it'll be an interesting program. My son is around midway on the spectrum, and we have a 5month old staff X, and they are very attached to each other. And if nothing else its teaching C to look after something else, and to tidy up his toys or she will chew them to bits! One of our friends has 9yo severly autistic son, with 2 older NT daughters. They recently got a yellow lab, and the dog immediately attached himself to the son, and watches him like a hawk. It remains to be seen how the son responds as time goes by, they've only had the pup a few months. Its not a cure, which I hope the program doesnt send that message out, but if its something that makes the life of an autistic child happier, easier, more able to communicate, then that has to be a good thing. Paula
  7. <'> No Worries Cat, over and done with hun. Just to let you know that there is no bad feeling between Clare and myself . Clare has mailed me and I'm doing what I can to help and support her. Best wishes for 2007 Paula
  8. Can I just add, before anything else is said, that Clare has PM'ed me, and I've given her my email addy, and offered to do what I can to help and support her. Paula Merry Christmas, and best wishes for the new year.
  9. Clare, I totally understand that you're going through it right now, I know its not easy, and time outs didnt work for C either. And you're right, we do all lash out when things are getting on top of us. And I know myself, i can take things very very personally, especially when I'm feeling really down. ( and at this time of year) One thing that may help, I know it has helped other parents, is that the school is running another nurturing course sometime in January - PM me and I can let you know who to contact, and give you a bit more info if you like - its a great way to pick up tips on how to deal with certain situations amongst many other things, as well as talking with other parents in the same situation. Or PM and tell me specific things and I'll see if I can come up with things that have worked for C. Tho I understand it may be difficult for you to attend with the little one too. The school has a very good parent network, who are always willing to help each other out, and offer great support. And the group, and coffee mornings are basically run by the parents, with hardly any 'interference' (SP?)(and for want of a better word!) from the school. Take care, and have the best christmas you can. Paula
  10. First of all, I have to point out that madmooch herself signs her posts with her real name, as in the first post of this thread. Secondly, i never suggested that anyone voicing their own opinion is wrong. An opinion is just that, a personal viewpoint of a particular person, and I for one wouldnt condemn anyone for voicing their own opinion. I understand perfectly that to those in audience that didnt know the girl in question (by the by, I went to school with this girls mum) that she could have come across as highly distressed, I wasnt havent a go at "madmooch", I was giving my point of view. And the comments I was upset about where in another thread, which personally attacked other parents at the school. And last of all, one thing we have in common on this forum, is very special children. And each of our personal situations brings about its own special problems. I've been where "madmooch" and many of us have been. My particular problems were a son going through assessment for ASD, and he also had unstable epilepsy, a husband who walked out 'cos he couldnt cope, and not a damn sole in the world I could talk to! Now 4� years down the line I have some good friends, both online and other parents at the school, and school is my ONLY respite. Holiday times I do everything on my own, and by the end of them, I am living on my nerves and clock watching for the school transport! I gave up on social services after hours on the phone, and endless letters. So believe me when i say I know all about times when life is too much to handle. All I am saying to "Madmooch" is to meet at the scool, and get her points across, and work with the school to come up with solutions - I'm not having a go at her personally. We do all want best for our children after all. Paula Have a very merry christmas, and best wishes for the new year
  11. Hoping everyone has a good christmas, and best wishes to all for 2007 Paula
  12. I was at the play, and believe me the girl in question wasnt that distressed, (she would have been very aggressive if she was), and she hasnt got a DX of ASD. She was held on stage, because she has CP and didnt have her boots on. She was a bit overwhelmed at first, then was actually giggling. Her mum was in the audience, and she wasnt upset or distressed either as she knew her daughter wasnt distressed either. The majority of children, including those in Early Years, actually enjoyed. That said, all our children are different, and can cope with different things that we throw at them. A lot of the children have a whale of time during rehearsals, and get a bit overwhelmed when they see all the parents in the hall. Tilly already said that she spoke to the school and opted out of the play for her DD. Clare, have a word with the school, and if H is so upset by the play, opt out of it for him too. Or if you want to give him another chance, you do have the option of attending the full dress rehearsal, which is held the day before. The play is exactly the same, only with a much smaller audience. Paula
  13. I too have a son attending the same school, and thought the comments about other parents at the school where totally unwarranted and unnecessary. Any problems you're having is not the fault of other parents. You're right, Madmooch, in that many of our children are fine at school (something to be extremely thankful for), but will act out at home (this goes for many NT children too). If the problems are so bad, whne school returns in February, I would definately recommend getting in touch with the school and ask for a meeting, from personal experience, and speaking to other parents of their experiences, the school will listen to you and between you all, perhaps you can come up with some strategies, and solutions to all that is going on. Ask the school what strategies they use, and perhaps you could implement some of them at home so that H has some things happening that are the same at home and at school? I'm definately not brainwashed, nor do I have cottonwool for brains - nothing in life is ever perfect. But I do know that whenever I've had a problem, I've found the school very approachable and happy to work with the parents. Paula
  14. C enjoys visitors now, tho at one time it used to be an absolute nightmare! Even now tho he gets bored and restless when anyones here for any length of time, and will either take himself off to his room or zone out in front of the TV. Christmas is a very quiet time for us, and we see very few visitors over the hols. Paula
  15. PW66


    Hi All, I'm a returning new oldie Various things have kept me away from participating in the forum for quite some time now. I'm a single parent of a 9yo son, who has autism and epilepsy. We live in the NE England with our cross staffy pup! I see some familar names about, and look forward to getting to know the rest of you. Paula
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