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About Magliabechi

  • Rank
    Norfolk Broads
  • Birthday 07/30/1975

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  • Interests
    Music, Philosophy and Literature are the most important to me.
  1. Dear forum members, I am starting a new stage of my life characterised by profound development. I am not sure how one introduces oneself to others so my form or manner may not be correct. My avatar is a detail from the Edward Burne-Jones painting 'Love among the Ruins'. It shows the kind of relationship with a woman that I seek most keenly, one characterised by tenderness and mutual caring where the personality of both individuals is recognised and accepted. The idea of continuing to love despite the extreme adversity of ones circumstance appeals to me since my life is also in ruins. I have never had any friends or acquaintances, I live completely alone and am entirely estranged from all members of my family. All of my attempts to make friends have failed completely. I did not succeed in making friends in childhood, nor in adolescence, nor as a young man: my social failure so far in life has been absolute. My internet nom de plume of Magliabechi I have chosen with reference to an historical figure with Aspergers Syndrome with whom I feel a considerable degree of kinship. Antonio De Marco Magliabechi was a minor historical figure who achieved a major impact in the cultural life of seventeenth century Florence as the Medici's librarian. He was a passionate scholar with marked savant skills, acute personal idiosyncrasy and was notorious for his profoundly limited social ability. He represents a perfect example of an individual with Aspergers Syndrome who found a niche in society within which his talents could be fully expressed. His difference was accepted, and he was able to thrive. I am too idiosyncratic to be able to sustain employment and so have to subsist financially on state support. I have always had a profound interest in art and philosophy and great drive. I am however too idiosyncratic to be accepted in any formally recognised structure of education. I have not yet found either acceptance or any place in society. The example of Magliabechi represents a personal ideal for me. Thank you. Magliabechi.
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