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First Secondary School Parents Evening

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Well it was a long evening but amazing to speak to competent, caring and most of all honest teachers.


Heres a run down...


I.C.T.(Information, communication, technology);


This was the first teacher we saw, he was the one we were least impressed with, he said he knew NOTHING about Lukes autism or his statement and was going on aobut Luke not achieveing what he should be at his age in his lesson and how if it carried on it would be this big worry.

(We later spoke to the SENCO who was not happy with this and will be talking to him)


ART ; This teacher was lovely, she was very encouraging and positive aobut Luke and was clearly aware of his difficulties, she said he was getting an average of 6/10 in lessons.


RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ; He was lovely too (Also V young and good looking) He was also very aware of Luke and had clearly read up his statement, he mentioned concerns about Lukes handwriting (as they all did) which of course also having Dyspraxia is always a concern.

He said he deliberately gives Luke less to write when he can.


P.E ; He was aware too, he said he felt Luke was finding things like getting changed in the busy changing room a problem as he does back away from intergration with the other boys.

He is trying to gently encourage this as at the moment Luke is having to leave the lesson early to get chNGED ALONE.


FRENCH; This teacher absolutely adores Luke, she kept calling him a total sweetie and said he was a credit to us

She said he always tries his best.


SCIENCE ; She was another fan of Luke, she was aware of his difficulties although did not totally understand that just because he relates well to adults does not mean he finds social interaction with other children easy.

She said he found the sexual education/reproduction topic very confusing and tended to shy away from it.

He got a Level 4C in assessment which is brilliant for him.

Science is one of his faves (as is art)


MATHS ; This was one we were concerned aobut as he has had issues with the teacher.

But She said he is a bright lad who does seem to understand everything in maths, he is in a mixed ability group untill the end of year 7 assessments.

She went on aobut his writing alot but does now realise he needs support with it.


ENGLISH ; Another brilliant teacher who was amazingly aware of Lukes needs, he has the LSA sitting next to him every lesson and she is actually a trained English teacher herself which is so good.

She said Luke needs encouraging to read stories and non factual books (he only reads sports books/papers)

She loved him and said he looked like me.


DRAMA ; This was the only other teacher who was NOT aware of Lukes conditions and statement.

She said he needed to work on using differnet tones of voice and on assessing other peoples performances this of course is a major part of his autism (does not understand peoples tones and does not realise his own)

She was pleased with him otherwise, she said he does cry when scared in class (a few teacher said this and we told them what a great sign it actually was that he was able to show this in school after the way he bottled it all up in primary school and self harmed after school)

He is currently scoring Level 2 high.


HISTORY ; Another teacher who adored him, said Luke has a lot of understanding when answering questions verbally but does not write enough or include infor in his work.

Was aware of statement etc


GEOGRAPHY ; I was very impressed with this teachers understanding of Luke as an individual.

She was very concerned about how stressed/obsessive he gets about things.

She loved him too

She was aware of statement etc.


MUSIC ; I had been looking forward to this teacher as Luke always says how funny he is.

He was lovely, he was fully aware of Luke and had read up on him more than once.

He felt Luke could do better than he was and that he wanted to sit him somewhere else in class but was concerned how making changes wouls affect Luke.

He also suggested us getting Luke a memory stick so he could download the work for him and he could take it home and be a step ahead.

He was very aware of handling him the right way for him and asked our advice on things (as did several teachers)

He also made us realise how perfect the school would be for Daniel too when he hopefully starts September 2008

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