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Sent headteacher an e-mail on Friday...

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My son, L arrived home from school today with a bruise on the corner of his eye. He did not go to school with this bruise, so I am of the understanding that this injury happened whilst in the school's/resi care. In fact, L says that he sustained the injury on Wednesday.


I am rather dismayed to find that injuries that L sustains in school are not relayed to us as soon as possible after they happen. This is the third time that this has happened now, and I find it wholly unacceptable. The first was an incident where L went under the water while swimming with the resi, and was helped out by a lifeguard, the second was an injury he sustained to his ankle during school hours which resulted in him being taken to the hospital by staff the next morning - which again, I was not told about until I called to check on how he was at 10:30 the following morning. Both of these injuries I was only told about in an 'Oh, by the way...' when I had called to speak to L in the evening when he was in the resi. I truly believe - as is the case with L's eye this time - that I would not have been told about these incidents if I had not phoned L.


Please could you let us know how this injury to his eye happened and how it was treated at the time.


Please could you forward me copies of the accident book/s which records these incidents.


Please could I also have a copy of the accident procedures.


Thank you for your co-operation.



I am well and truly sick of this school now. I've just had a phonecall in reply to the above, (quite good 'service' actually as it is half-term!) where the headteacher tried to imply that maybe it was because of an incident on Friday at football (ummm - read the e-mail! L states that it happened on Wednesday). But that he 'Shares my concerns, and will look into all 3 incidents thoroughly, and will get back to me when I pick L up next Wednesday".


What's even more annoying, is that L went into school with a not-to-dissimilar bruise on his eye - and we ended up with social services and the police on our doorstep!



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Having worked in childcare as far as I know you should be informed at the time of the incident or as soon as possible as is reasonable. Certainly if medical help is required you should be informed at once.

Obviously for miner scrapes and knocks you wait until you see parent but even then when parent is informed they are given a copy of report and sign for it. This is how it was done by us.

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Dont blame you for emailing...thats bad id want to know everytime even if the bump seemed harmless.

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