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Who undertakes the support for Literacy diffculties

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What i mean is

If the SLT team wont provide an intervention for language diffculties as she doesn't fit there critea

Senco wont referr dd to ed psy for over all literacy problems in reading,writing, spelling

I doubt the pead will refer dd back to O.T for processing/handwriting problems but i will ask them



So who is the person who can identify the problems and put solutions in place.


6 months has been wasted on the goverment Catch up in Literacy sessions

I found that this isnt suited for a Child with SEN on the internet, so i'm confused why she was placed on it.


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I am pretty certain that I have read that you can contact the Ed Psych's yourself - although they do like you to go through the school if at all possible. Maybe try phoning the Ed Psych (look on your local area council website for the number) and explain the situation and see what they suggest?

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Hi hedders, just replied to your other thread, you may find that you have to go down the private route it seems you,ve got dyslexia/auditory processing probs going on .You could try the dyslexia institute for your nearest assessment centre, sadly we were in the same psition and found the school, ed physch, ot , and pead were,nt interested in the underlying problems , if that makes sense, we had hand writing courses, ot therapy, specialist literacy teaching etc , my son is now 13 and there has been little improvement.best wishes suzex

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hello, you could try the schools advisory teacher. Our school has one that also specalizes with dysleixa, you can go directly yourself or ask the school for help. Ifound going yourself the most direct route. Also im sorry but i do not remember what language difficultys your dd had with language but our splt team would not help my dd also they said she was to severve for intervention, so we went to tribunal and she now has speach and language every week, its worth thinking about.

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What i mean is

If the SLT team wont provide an intervention for language diffculties as she doesn't fit there critea

Senco wont referr dd to ed psy for over all literacy problems in reading,writing, spelling

I doubt the pead will refer dd back to O.T for processing/handwriting problems but i will ask them



So who is the person who can identify the problems and put solutions in place.


6 months has been wasted on the goverment Catch up in Literacy sessions

I found that this isnt suited for a Child with SEN on the internet, so i'm confused why she was placed on it.



Hi Katie can't you ask for a second opinion, when was she last seen by the speech therapist? It may be that she needs looking at again, i felt fobbed off by Melissas therapist as she spoke to school and like your school are totally in denial that there is anything wrong, she is ok she will catch up, she is just lazy, she is doing it for attention, it is ridiculous.....replied on your other post about your good appt. :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs: Sharon x

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OUCH 434 pounds for dyslexic assessment.


I kind of jumped guns in earlier post as now she does fit a slt critea but didnt 2yrs ago which was why she had been discharged.



So how long is a referral to a specialist SLT who deals with subtle diffculties???

Edited by hedders

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OUCH 434 pounds for dyslexic assessment.


I kind of jumped guns in earlier post as now she does fit a slt critea but didnt 2yrs ago which was why she had been discharged.



So how long is a referral to a specialist SLT who deals with subtle diffculties???



Katie it is probably hit or miss, i was told waiting for cahms to be in touch and getting seen would be quite a long wait but then next minuite i got a phone call about a month and half down the line asking me to come in the week after then going again in a few weeks so quite quick, same with the speech therapist she was quicker than what i thought, so i would wait a little longer. >:D<<'> I know it is hard things have started moving and soon they will pick up speed and you will be unindated with appt's you won't know where you will be but at least it is happening now. Sharon x

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