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SENCO 'misled' LEA in her report

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I received my letter from the LEA turning down my request for a SA. Surprise surprise. (the school had already told me they would not support it.)


However I had already decided that I will not appeal, as my son is catching up and is more settled now that the school have dealt with the bullying.


I got the pack from the LEA and in there they had put the SENCO written report, in it she said that (in the Background part) that I am a 'single mother and that my sons have a different father to my ASD son'. And then goes on to say that ''Mrs X has reported that the paternal grandmother has a history of mental illness...' now I have mentioned this to the doctor but my ex's mother has OCD but it has never been diagnosed.


What the hell is she doing writing stuff like that in this report? If I had a series of violent partners over the years which has badly affected my son I would expect this to be mentioned I suppose, but I have not had a relationship since I split up from my sons father. She has virtually blamed my sons problems on an imagined suicide attempt by my eldest son (he in fact had a bad reaction to anti diarrhea tablets) but she has grasped this 'incident ' and run with it.

I have told her this is not right but she saw fit to put it in this report. I was so angry that I have not slept since I read this.

She has also brushed over the bullying and has said that ' there is no evidence to suggest that bullying has ever taken place and that a child who was said to be bullying my son now goes out with us every weekend' - absolute rubbish. She has also ticked the wrong box - and so has him down as physically aggressive and cruel, which he isnt.

I obviously can't write the whole lot out for you but I showed it to a friend (a teacher) and she said basically the SENCO has tried to make you out as a neurotic slapper who can't be bothered to get him to do his homework, and you have a dysfunctional family and its no wonder my son has problems.

Oh and another thing SENCO did, she did not black out all of the names of the other children and so I know where each child in the class is and who has emotional difficulties and who is a cause for concern etc ect, really confidential stuff. Would you not have though that the LEA would have noticed this and done something about it? Talk about unprofessional!!!

I'm wondering what to do about all of this...I have to bear in mind this SENCO will eventually be my sons teacher.


Edited by connieruff

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TBH, I would take this further :(


You could start by asking the school for a copy of their complaints procedure, and then go from there.


Bid :(

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I would take this further. The SENCO should only have commented on education as documented in school held records about his attainment levels and if he is not achieveing them why. But only stating facts not her personal opinion of your home life.


As for all the confidential information you received concerning other children, I think this is appalling and someone needs to be kicked up the backside for allowing this information out in to the public domain. I am sure the parents of the children you now know about would complain if they knew what information you had.


From what you have said I am truly sorry you have been put through this. Bid is right get a copy of the school complaints procdure and take it from there.


Good Luck!

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I agree.

Set the record straight.

Otherwise anyone else looking at the files will skip over it and make the same conclusions as the SENCO.

I don't know if you can have these documents removed.

I did use some of my own families history through the private reports I had from the SALT and EP because I felt that they were relevant to my sons anxiety and other issues where I felt he was not being supported and that further down the line this could mean more difficulties for my son.

But it sounds like this SENCO has used the information to make a judgement. That is not what she is supposed to do.

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Thanks for the replies, I suppose I should also correct the files the LEA have on him now. Its not so much that she has reached the wrong conclusion but the text reads like she is sarcastic, in one section she has said ''His mother has said that he refuses to learn spellings, read or do homework at home and has expressed surprise that he is behind in class ''


This comes across as sarcastic and it is also wrong, as I do lots of homework with him. I actually do 15 minutes every night. There was a time when he was extremely upset and having meltdowns (when he was being bullied) and if I tried to get him to do anything he would cry and headbang. But she has put here that he also refuses to read, which he has never stopped doing.

In actual fact the SENCO has never once called me in for a chat or talked to me - the only time she talks to me is in multi dis meetings.

Thanks for your help.


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I think you would be wise to correct any errors now.

Remember opinions written down wrongly can escalate and be taken as true - it stays on your childs record forever.....

If you snip this in the bud now and correct the error you are saving a lot of heart ache later on.

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