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genes and autism

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Interesting... I wasn't so keen on the referral of autism as a disease - don't know why - just didn't like it (being honest).


Leaving that aside it is interesting, but I guess that I'd be more interested in popping a hundred years to the future when - assuming we still exist - people might have many more answers, answers that will take a long time to study, every step forward is interesting of course - but I'd rather just see the end result of everyone's speculations - but that's to answer my own questions too, to see where this will all lead, whether it will be good or bad, and I think I'm gonna have a long wait for those things to be answered.

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i find it amusing when normal pepole try to understand autisum, hahahahahahahahahahahaha disease? ha! we are the only pepole on this earth that see the world as it actully is. there the ones with the problem. all i can say is keep trying normal pepole its sweet that your trying lol bless you. pwahhahahahahahaha!

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Curiously or perhaps not I am personally in the process of being tested for Chromosomal abnormalities at the present... they have had my blood, got it right eventually it's been a few weeks, so the culture must be grown by now, should hear some results pretty soon, but the reason was testing for mosaicism of the Klinefelter variety.



I say.........they have had my blood, got it right eventually.... because it took four attempts through such a lack of communication between boffins and phlebotomists I was forced to research the procedure myself and seek my own answers of various uncommunicative NHS departments to present to the final phlebotomist who then didn't believe me so went in search of the senior microbiologist for clarification. When asked my medical qualification to arrive at such results, I told them I was an unemployed mechanic very capable of researching anything that interests me.


But they having my genetics hopefully unless they have stuffed it up, they know I have asperger's, so well, that is another sample which might be added to the research, if they think that is.

Edited by Sa Skimrande

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You see, I know when my depression started, I have managed to dig that far back and see clearly and know it started when I was told I was infertile for reasons unknown, my future I remember dissolved at that point. I know from personal research there are reasons why infertility exists and so I am pushing the medical services for a reason, as I need closure on why I am infertile and with that I am hoping it will help towards finding my own way out of the depressive part of me that ideates suicide because I have no use to society. I need to know what I am basically to put an end to all these years of knowing not only do I not fit in for AS reasons, but I don't fit in for gender reasons, the AS stuff I can deal with, but I need to know what I am.


I went to see a doctor because I had a chest lump I was wondering about, a painful lump at that and I there asked about Klinefelter's, because naturally I research well, I was asked a few questions on other physically indicative characteristics and it was agreed, the testing would be set up, but the GP was particularly interested that I had found reference material suggesting a possible link between ASD and genetic abnormality. Also the fact that there exists support for XXY individuals who are mentally gender confused, there suggesting a link unproven perhaps but if it helps my feelings then answers I need to seek.


It's not so much about fitting in, it is understanding where one stands.

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Yes, your feelings make sense - I meant that in addition to knowing who, or what, you are, and finding that you could have a use to society - would you want to partake in more research to do with looking at links to other things (like AS for example)?


And I wonder, if you are physically a man, and in your mind consider yourself male (or did prior to being told about your fertility) does that all not count now or is it all put into question because of it?


And that doesn't mean you don't have any use in society - how could that be? Do you feel that way purely do to infertility or are there other reasons?


Sorry if I am blunt - I just am curious I guess - I don't mind if you don't want to answer my questions :)

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I am male, but the traditional male characteristics escaped me, I am unable to put on muscle mass and believe me I have tried, being this underdeveloped forced it, Body hair, similarly, I am largely unhairy, but in recent years there seems to have been a sudden acceleration in facial hair production necessitating shaving every two days now whereas before twice a week was enough. Now perhaps if I had not suffered the military I might not have noticed the differences until perhaps I had got married and attempted to have a family, but in the military I was bullied for my difference, it was at that time 22 years ago that I also discovered the infertility because the bullying forced me to seek medical attention and military medics just lurve to prod, poke and record but not furnish one with the details of their findings, they don't have to, the military had at the time different rules to civilian society.


As to what I am, well in my mind I have always questioned because of the underdevelopment and yes, as a kid I wanted to dance, not play football, and as it is I have no interest whatsoever in anything competitive. I pursued healing interests, phytotherapy, aromatherapy, massage and art. I paint, draw, photograph and make stuff, I am very passive, not a stereotypical male at all, and even my mother gives me grief for not being her ideal of a male, she of course with no knowledge of how I feel about myself.


Now if it is this testing does not reveal a genetic abnormality, I intend to keep pushing the medical services for a reason, because I am finding when I get involved in research, I forget myself and that is good. But though they may moan about the expense, just think what they are discovering, I am giving them the opportunity to research and discover which undoubtedly may help others present or future and this s the only chance they will get, because when I die, they are not getting any part of me and that through failing me in life.


As to how useful I am in society, I feel useless beyond my ability to pay taxes as I have found I am an oddball an outsider, a pain in the ass and I don't fit in.

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I am not a fan of the view of a typical male - typical males are alright, you can go out and have a drink, watch some sport and be all manly, sure, in the shallow sense of it all.


But in my mind, being a man isn't just about having muscle, being hard, and acting like a caveman.


I have a few male "friends" and they are all far from the stereotypical - sure they have characteristics and some get all flustered when they show emotion - some don't - and they have some stereotypical interests - but they also have other interests that are more fluid, less defined as male or female interests - one is obsessed with cute little animals and plays with them like a child - another is into facts about movies and can tell me about every movie going including romcoms and other "chickflicks" - another is into his appearance and has the biggest male beauty collection that I've ever seen. But that isn't all they are.


It is for these little quirks that I love having them in my life - however remotely that is (I have difficulties with friends in that I don't go out or have much to say at times and so friendships have their own forms).


So if I met you and you said "hey darkshine, I'm into belly dancing" I'd say cool, show me. Because in my eyes when someone does something interesting then I think "what else is interesting?".


I think I'm in a slight minority with that at times...


I can say a similar thing about women, I don't have many female "friends" but of the two that are sort of in my life one is a typical woman of the glossy mags, she don't look like it, but she tries and it bores me to tears... the other, now she's interesting, she does anything she likes, parachuting, rock climbing, paintballing, she's into hardcore stuff, and she can hold her own amongst the guys she is that good, that fit and in tune with her body - and I have to respect that too because she isn't sitting around messing with her looks, and she still manages to look nice, more nice than the one I know who tries.


It's a shame you have experience what you have with regard to people thinking you aren't "male" enough - some of the best dancers are men, you only have to watch one ballet to see that, to see the strength and control these guys have to do what they do, and they hardly look "masculine" but they are still men, just men that dance - the skill required is immense to do it well.


Some of the best chefs are male - but cooking is hardly considered a male occupation in our sexist world.


Some of the most famous hairdressers are also men... get the drift ;)


Why shouldn't men do whatever they want just as women are encouraged to do?


Our society has it all wrong - it rewards people for creating difference - it breeds difference under the guise of "equality" - and in my mind that is completely wrong.


I also feel like I don't have a purpose, like I don't fit, like I'm useless - for a whole set of reasons - and maybe my words mean sod all to you - but there's a few people in this world who are like me - who don't care about differences like that - I think difference is something that should be valued not condemned.


Anyway, I wish you well with your quests and hope you get something out of it that enables you to be in a better place in your mind and in your life. Thank you for explaining.





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