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Songs you sing in your head when people are annoying

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I don't sing songs in my head when people are annoying, I just tend to think 'You are very annoying, go away!!!'... :george:


However, I reckon my son blocks me out when I am asking him to do something he doesn't want to do by humming the 'Murder she wrote' theme tune in particular at the moment (he is note perfect, especially at the daladalada parts). In the car, he's also especially good at humming the radio jingles very loudly in order to wake his sister up if she's fallen asleep. :clap:

Edited by Lyndalou

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'Murder she wrote'. That's random :lol:


Actually, I sometimes used to hum the Bob Dylan tune all cheerily out loud. Jazzed up, it sounds jolly and you can get away with it :devil: .

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Actually, I remember a theme that I used to sing all the time because I loved how menacing it sounded but it must have driven everyone around me mentaaaaal. It was a 60's sci-fi programme called 'The Invaders'. It started reasonably quietly and then it crescendoed. Think my son has inherited the 'theme tune' gene...


I agree, 'Murder she wrote' is a bit random but 'Loose Women' is probably even more so and he also says 'Welcome back to Dickinson's Real Deal' a lot a the moment. He has a thing about the channels STV and ITV3 :bounce:

Edited by Lyndalou

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Ha ha! You might be right...


I'm now remembering the 'Finger of fudge' ad from way back in the mists of time...'It's full of Cadbury's goodness, yet very small and neat...a finger of fudge is just enough to give your kids a treat' - I sang this VERY loudly... :lol: The power of TV advertising.....

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Lol. I possibly did that too but I really can't remember for sure.


I catch myself at times singing 'The Littlest Hobo' theme song - one of my favourites from childhood! 'Maybe tomorrow I'll wanna settle dowwwnnnn. Until tomorrow I'll just keep moving onnnnn, da da da da!!' :dance:

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Usually whatever I liked that I heard during breakfast...it stays with me all day playing in my mind...who says you need headphones??

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Perhaps a personal favourite though would have to be This is War by 30 Seconds to Mars.


The video is truly awesome played on full screen with the music really high (surround sound is better).


It's truly Epic!

Edited by Mike_GX101

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I once had the Scorpions - Wind of Change - stuck in my head for almost 3 weeks.... now that's annoying!!


you got it right Mike, who says you need headphones? :D

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