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A-S warrior

why you should eat dark chocolate!

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and im talking 80% or above dark chocolate, dark chocolate is a wonder food, its an antioxidant, a fantastic source of fiber, high in good healthy fats, and lets face it, tastes amazing. the nutrtional profile of 100g of 90% cocao dark chocolate is:



fat 55g (keep in mind this is a good thing)


carbohydrate 14g (of which 7g is fiber, and 7g is naturally occuring sugar)


580 kcals (eat as much as your calorie intake will allow)


its not just me that thinks dark chocolate amazing, check these links: http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CFYQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.allchocolate.com%2Fhealth%2Fbasics%2F&ei=72oPUJWfL4Om0QXJjYHgDQ&usg=AFQjCNHGtWEz6UF22GzyKfKo67KkWoxqMA&sig2=hGN0xxnAJ723x26se4d3Ow




include this wonder food in your diet today!

Edited by A-S warrior

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Probably best to start off with 70 - 80% in order to get used to the taste - otherwise it can taste rather bitter to the unaccustomed tongue. And the idea is to eat small snippets - not to gorge the whole bar like a mars bar!

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Probably best to start off with 70 - 80% in order to get used to the taste - otherwise it can taste rather bitter to the unaccustomed tongue. And the idea is to eat small snippets - not to gorge the whole bar like a mars bar!


i want a review on that 99% stuff you picked up lol, and gorging is good every now and then ;)

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yuck not that i can eat chocolate.



i dont like dairy milk and i wouldnt be seen dead eating a galaxy bar, but pure dark is the dogs, it slips down smooth, espeshilly when eaten with a pint of guniness

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i want a review on that 99% stuff you picked up lol, and gorging is good every now and then ;)

Warrior, I will let you know how it fares...I'm kinda looking forward to it :lol:

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Hate dark chocolate! Can't stand it! My dad owns a chocolate factory and even the smell of it...Hate it!

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I don't like it but I eat it- 90% if I can get it - but only a 'square' a day, since I read some time ago all the ways in which it's beneficial to health.

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While I love eating a nice large Cadbury's bar of chocolate once in a while and I also like a bit of Bourneville I detest the stronger stuff as it actually makes me feel dizzy and ill. The trick is not to eat too much cocoa because believe it or not the effects of over eating it are similar to getting drunk on alcohol only with the added treble laxative effect the following morning which might well leave you heavens above!

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still i am intolerant and its the worst to even eat the freefrom ones ewww.


im quite used to their taste now, i find the free from ones taste better than the original counterparts.

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While I love eating a nice large Cadbury's bar of chocolate once in a while and I also like a bit of Bourneville I detest the stronger stuff as it actually makes me feel dizzy and ill. The trick is not to eat too much cocoa because believe it or not the effects of over eating it are similar to getting drunk on alcohol only with the added treble laxative effect the following morning which might well leave you heavens above!


So its just a solid version of Guiness is it?

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You are only meant to eat 1-2 squares (of dark chocolate) - not the whole thing!


lol i know, but it fell out of the cuboard, and i thought well since its landed so nicley into my hands it would be a shame to not eat it :rolleyes:

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I'm enjoying chocolate and orange flavoured shreddies at the moment, would they have enough of the stuff mixed in to make a difference?

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I love dark chocolate, I love the bitterish taste of it...I find milk chocolate is very artificial tasting, all you can taste is the sugar...with dark chocolate you can actually taste the coco beans...and it really makes you feel good inside, you feel totally satisfied...I find it helps when I'm feeling down or tired out...though like Robert, I would find it difficult to put it down after a couple of squares, unlike milk chocolate:)...

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Anything 90% or above and im there. dont even mention bornvile that stuff is not dark chocolate, it's not even 30%. I have some wasabi dark chocolate at the moment. absolutley unreal! you guys must try it.

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What about drinking chocolate? i use a milk free version and then add hot water.

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What about drinking chocolate? i use a milk free version and then add hot water.



It depends on the purity. If it's less than 70% coaco; don't bother beacuse it's loaded with sugar. Ideally, you would use pure coaco powder, and soften it with a touch of double cream; If you don't like it to bitter.

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You missed the question 'dairy free' ie im unable to have any dairy at all including whipped cream.

i have sensory issues surrounding whipped cream haven never liked it. Hence the 'adding hot water'


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Just found on dietary needs direct some high % choc.

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I understand the original Aztec chocolatl was bitter, it was our tastes that added the sweetness, but dark chocolate I best not eat that stuff as I can't eat one square, I have to eat the lot.


Carob chocolate is nice too.


G&B's Maya Gold is a favourite.


And Aldi has some good high cocoa chocolates for not much money at all.

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My mother has brought me some 100% dark chocolate. how they've made it 100% without it being powder i don't know, but can't wait to try it!


Tryed the 100% today. mama mia! the taste of sheer purity, great stuff. if your brave try some.


Edited by trekster

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Did anyone else see that river cottage episode about raw foods? They made a luxurious looking chocolate mouse using only pure cocoa and avocado, then used it for a cheese cake with a crushed pecan base...mmmm. I love avocado....but for me that's the real comfort food rather than chocolate. Good idea to find the recipe and give it a go if you're on a dairy-free diet but love chocolate! It didn't take long to make and looked so creamy!

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hmm...whats the trick im missing here about the chocolate guys? I used to gorge on dark chocolate when I was down and im guessing your telling me theres some science behind it now yeah?

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I eat one square of dark chocolate every morning after a drink of very weak black tea. I buy the 35p blocks from Sainsbury's. People think I'm mad for only eating one square, but it's become a habit. A typical aspie thing! :)

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