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can't stop buying clothes

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i think its an asd trait that. i think it tends to bring in addicive tendencies. i have a bit of a sex addiction, i cant go to sleep unless ive ******. maybe its beacue im still dealing with a break up, but even then i had quite an addictive tendency towards sex when i was with her.


anyway shopping is a well known release from stress. they call it retail therapy for a reason. dont be worryed too much, but dont let it become too much of a problem that it starts to devolop into other things, stealing etc. i know a few kleptomaniacs, and there addiction leads them strait into jail. just be careful and dont go to far with it, if it starts to get silly then let someone look after your money.


at the end of the day, theres worse things you could be doing, your not drinking or gambling.

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this serious think i'm addicted buying clothes can't stop myself ...gives me high/buzz



So you must be someone who enjoys washing clothes, ironing them and packing them when you move?!?

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I go through phases of buying stuff - it makes me happy for a very short time and then I feel broke, angry and annoyed - I decided to start dealing with it a few years ago cuz some of the things I was buying were just stupid....


Now I just need to spend the next few years getting rid of the stuff - and some of it is hard to get rid of - I could probably open a book store and a stationary shop with the amount of stuff I have - except I can't bear the idea of getting rid of books, or stationary...


Reading the books and using the stationary would be an idea though :lol: If only they were the only two types of things I've collected.... there's so much more!... doesn't help that I hoarded things in a stupid attempt to fill my life - still have to deal with that part...


How do you deal with so many clothes? Is it possible to even wear them all? If I was to sit down and read every book it would take me quite a while probably 2-4 years if I read them one after the pther without stopping (although I have read most of the books I own so I don't need to try that challenge).


As a means of challenging my hoarding I do go through them twice a year and pack a few bags off to the charity shop - but there isn't a noticeable difference yet... but it's a start - and there's the chance that other people can get some enjoyment out of them - or a bargain I guess.

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I have an obsession with collecting model trains (as a throw-back to my interest in the hobby) and books on things that interest me - many of which are expensive text books that are too valuable to give away. The model trains I hoard away as collectors' items (which one day I might build a model layout) which represent an important era in my youth when I got interested in trains and collected numbers etc, but most of my books I read and refer to from time I also had this thing about buying lenses for my camera: i.e. finding a "need" for a particular lens and buying it. But like my books, my lenses are always there for when I need them and I can certainly justify every purchase.


But, many women like shopping (whether it be for clothes, shoes, makeup etc) - I can't see this as just an AS thing

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this serious think i'm addicted buying clothes can't stop myself ...gives me high/buzz



You're lucky you can afford such a habit - unlike me who's only been in employment for nine months out of the last three years. :(

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