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DLA/Care allowance

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Hi My son is to start full residential at a college shortly, we get DLA for him,CAre Allowances for ourselves, I am unsure bu I suspect some IS as well. What is situation when he starts college ? I think we lose the care allowance/IS and he loses the DLA he claims at home ? we get nothing else. Is it our responsibility to notify the DWP or the SS/LA will do that anyway as they part funded his college place ? It's some time since I filled in any claim for him we didn't have care allowances until he was 17 and we were entitled at age 6. The DWP lied to us and said as he got DLA he we couldn't claim care allowances ! As I write I have been sent JSA and PIP forms, and to be honest Gibberish is a language I never mastered, so I sent the forms back and asked for a form that was relevant to my son's condition Autism. They said there is no such thing, so how does he claim anything ? They also asked me for a medical note although he is still at school and demanded to know why he wasn't employed. His consultant contacted the GP who sent me a 'cover note' which was pretty silly, as it was for 4 weeks only, and irrelevant as he was still in education, the consultant then sent me a proper covering letter but the DWP said they do their own medicals ? As he is off to college looks like the SS will have to sort it out ! How do I stand if they continue to pay his allowances into his account and he is residential at college ? I am assuming neither he nor I should get it for his use ?

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No there isn't one for autism, to receive dla they need to know how much care he needs.


But as u are saying he is moving to residential that could be a problem because he will only keep mobility part and not the care


If your on low income I think u are entitled to income support

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