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Looking For A Type Of App...

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I am a 22-year old female aspie still living at home, on disability, not in college despite being high functioning. I have been trying to be independent by getting my own credit card, phone plan, things like that. I've recently signed up for (and successfully attended once so far without quitting-yay me!) an acting class in a large city an hour away from home. I like cities, and I would really like to find a job soon and be able to go to work and to my class, etc, using Uber, be able to use public transport to meet with friends or coworkers on my own, etc. I have a hard time remembering things, however. I also tend to procrastinate a bit. I'm anxious and depressed and recently went off medication because it was causing serious health issues and not working well. I am supposed to be meditating, keeping a journal, and blocking off time for my creative projects. I am supposed to be taking time reading and watching things other than those that pertain to my special interests, or stimming, (i.e. venturing out.)  I did well at my class and was surprised that I didn't feel the need to stim because I wasn't bored. I keep thinking things like, "I'm going to meditate today" or "I'm going to take an hour to write my story" or "I'm going to read a fanfic that isn't about my special interest show or "I'm going to stop stimming at this time." But I will always manage to get lost stimming for hours on end and looking at/reading about the special interests (The X-Files, bras, politics/activism, medicine, sexual techniques) for hours. I will think like, "Well I know 6.5 hours of sleep makes me feel more agreeable. I'm going to go to bed at 12AM, wake up at 6:30." But then I will end up falling asleep at 7PM or not until 4AM, randomly waking up at 4:30 AM or not until 1PM. 


I know I need a schedule/alarm/whatever, but I need a very specific one. One that will let me type in a message and say it out loud when it goes off, with directions. like this:


  1. "Time to wake up"
  2. "It's been x days since you last did laundry."
  3. "You should eat soon."
  4. "Time to stim for x amount of time" 
  5. "It's 65 degrees today, dress accordingly."
  6. "It is your mother's birthday in a week, get her something."
  7. "Almost time for your period, make sure you have tampons."
  8. You have a class/appointment at x time in x city. Here is how you will get there, there's x amount of traffic, this is the weather in that location."
  9. "Your credit card payment  of $150 is due on x day. You need to deposit x amount by then. Remember to get checks and stamps."
  10. "You haven't pooped in x days, should you take something for that?"
  11. ""You haven't worked on the screenplay in 2 weeks, try for an hour at 5PM."
  12. "Write down how you feel in the journal, meditate/exercise/whatever for x amount of time."


Is there an app that would do this at all. Or a series of them. I have iPhone (6s) so it would have to be compatible.



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