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Aura Todd

Tinitus woes, can you advise please?

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I've had this for weeks now and would like some advice.  I've always had problems with my ears (white noise) since I was 7yrs but only recently has this got worse.  I have exzema in my ears which produce far too much wax. I blame myself for these problems because every time they itched I scratched them and used cotton buds.  

I had my ears shringed last Christmas because they completely blocked up, after that I used Earol spray from boots one evening and oil drops with a dropper the following evening.  

Occasionally my left ear rang but now very often, but now my right ear is constantly making a high pitched noise which I find hard to bear.  I went to SpectSavers and they put a camera in my ear, they said one ear was full of wax (despite using the Earol).while there was some yellow residue in my left, they wern't sure if it was a infection or residue from olive oil left over.    

I have made an appointment with my Dr but I have to wait weeks because the receptionists wouldn't make it any earlier.  One evening while watching TV, I could hear it above the sound, so I went to the walk in surgery.and on examination said the back of my ear on the left looked red and swollen.  I've been given a spray with steroid in, and have since got one for my ringing right ear.  I use it three times a day.

I'm fed up because it's not too bad during the day, it's when I try and relax during the evening it seems to get worse.  Also my ear itches which I daren't touch in case it makes it worse.  My left ear is behaving itself since using the spray, it's just my problematic right ear now.  

I wouldn't be in this situation if I hadn't of scratched, or used cotton buds, so I blame myself that I've cause e-reversable damage to my hearing,  I'm hoping this will go back to white noise but it's highly unlikely.  I used to love meditation, but that's been taken away now.

Can you advise me please?

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No advice just didn't want your post to go unanswered

Could a hearing testing place say boots advise on tinatus .



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