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About JoMarie888

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    Norfolk Broads
  1. Hi, no of course you're not talking rubbish and i'm really grateful for your interest. I can't have pets unfortunately i am extremely allergic, and he shows no interest in anything really. If anybody speaks to him, even a child, he acts like they're not there and they usually give up after a while.
  2. Hi thanks to both of you who replied, He is on antidepressants which don't seem to be doing much to bring him out of himself. We have also been seen by a clinical psychologist, consultant psychiatrist, paediatrician, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and is now currently under a consultant neuropsychiatrist who says she doesn't know what to do to help him because he won't communicate with her. They talked about taking him into an adolescent mental health unit but decided it would be too traumatic for him, so I think they are now at a loss about what to do next. I get the same answer all the time from the physio and occ therapist, they can't move forward unless he communicates.
  3. Hi I'm new to this site but I thought someone might be able to offer some advice. My son is nearly 16 years old, but was only diagnosed as being on the autistic spectrum in April 2013. He was 14 years 3 months then. He had trouble at school from age 8, trouble integrating and dealing with everything going on. He saw an ed psych for the next few years with no ASD diagnosis, just acute anxiety, social communication and social integration problems I was told. Things deteriorated when he was 13 and he became more withdrawn at school but ok at home. He stopped speaking to teachers then his peers, stopped going into the lunch room, disassociating himself from everything. Things got worse 2 years ago when he withdrew from normal life. From January 2013 he stopped going to school, stopped speaking to anybody, even his family and took to his bed. This is the situation I am still in. My son still doesn't speak, lies in bed or on the sofa, can't tolerate light, noise,, smells, has balance problems, headaches, muscle pain and doesn't't like to be touched. My son's teenage years are passing him by and nobody seems to be able to help him. Can anybody help or advise how to help my son?
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