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About Thomas130

  • Rank
    Salisbury Hill
  1. Looking for some friends as well live near birmingham he can add me on stream if he wants and have a chat and gaming session
  2. Last couple of months I been getting more and more depressed I started a new job within the same organisation I was promoted. However my old colleagues who i didn't get on with that well with in the first place I believe one or two have encourage others to be nasty to me which I feel a lot angry about. I tried to make the effort to be helpful and polite just get blank etc. Over the years I have dealt with a lot of bad experiences with people like so called friends turning their back on me. People who treat like me like I the last option in life and if something better comes along. At this point I just getting so of being on my own, people I see who are complete have friend and girlfriends etc. I never had a girlfriend and turn 29 a couple of months ago. I just starting to give up and just feel really stress about it and can't get this empty feeling out of me, just feels like everyone dislikes me.
  3. Finally got my apointment for assessment 24th Feb. However thinking about canceling. From my point of few I worried travelling to birmingham in a area I don't know. But from I read you no longer entitle to any benefits and while I employed etc at the moment if I got for future jobs etc I have to list that disability which will hurt my chances. Is there any advantage to being diagnose.
  4. Guys I'm so mad it's untrue find out that my doctor has referred me to the wrong person again. They told him and never inform me and retired I have spent the last four months thinking I was on the waiting list. He then retired and nobody chase it. I have had enough of this process obviously I not worth helping according the nhs. Just been left to suffer.
  5. Had a E-mail from my doctor today he has refer to a specialist who should be able assess, I guess it's just a waiting game now
  6. I'm not planning to make company massively profitable as long as I can get by I be more than happy with that. Not planning on taking anyone on to be honest.
  7. Not a call centre exactly I do IT support. I always been good at managing myself to be honest and everything else it's just noise I can no longer cope with or being near people for long periods of time. my business would not be it support related
  8. To be honest I'm working hard trying to get my skill set up to start my own company where I can control the enviroment I can't cope in an office enviroment.
  9. Because I find sounds very distressing especially at work and until I get this confirmed I have got legal protection in terms on asking for headphones or anything
  10. I went back to my doctors today and he's going to refer me to psychology I have information of places based on information I gave him from the information the austim national society. The places were private and is unsure where to send me. If I go private the nhs will not recongise and no one in the nhs seem to know what to do about it. Might as well give up trying to find out
  11. Well I had my second appointment after showing him some material in regards to my suspected aspergers and should get tested but they don't deal with austism He gave me some information which turn out to be an incorrect number. Anyway I spoke to an adviser on the austism website who given a list of material to give to my doctor to get refer to the correct people. At least I'm getting somewhere just a little annoyed that I wasted three months because my doctor sent me to the wrong person. However the lady on the phone from the austim community advise this is a very common problem.
  12. I think my best plan for this moment is to write every down for the next meeting in less than 3 weeks. I have spoken about paying for a private assessment however hearing that the NHS will not recongise. I have to admit I felt good when I went to my doctor I was thinking that I was going to get the answers I was looking for. However I feel somewhat depress. Don't feel like I been treated seriously or don't matter.
  13. Yeah he did mention that his team don't deal with autism, at the moment I kinda feel annoyed with my doctor because I thought I was being assess for aspergers but he seems more interested in my mental well being than with what i think I have.
  14. Thank you for replying How many times did you have to see the mental health nurse. After the first meeting he was more interested in my state of mind and not convinced yet that I have aspergers however has not ruled it out
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