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Everything posted by JeanneA

  1. JeanneA


    Thanks for your comments I will stick by my guns!
  2. JeanneA


    Well sorry to go on yet again about this but my daughter Julie asked me outright last night (my husband Carl (her step-dad) wasn't in the room), if her rent could be reduced as she sleeps at her boyfriend's parents house every night now and only has an occasional bath here a week and some dinners (about 4 or 5 out of 7)!! I said 'no', £40 a week is cheap considering all her belongings are here and she has 'sky' tv in her room and she is here quite a bit during the day at the weekend plus she has some meals and I do her laundry. If she was renting elsewhere she would be paying double what she is paying here as my son does where he lives. Please let me know what you think, am I doing the right thing in sticking by keeping her rent at £40 even though she isn't here much? My hubby Carl definately thinks so and will do reduce it. I would appreciate your thoughts, thanks!
  3. Thanks for what you've said I totally agree, I do know Glen and because of behavioural problems that occur from time to time I have learnt that it is best not to push Glen too much I know his limits and what can trigger bad behaviour off!
  4. The School staff seemed to think at my son Glen's annual review that Glen (15) needs an after school/evening club now he is older. Glen attends a club every Saturday for 'special needs' kids which is fantastic, he also attends this club during School holidays plus 'Mencap Daybreak Club' during holidays, and he has overnight respite (4 nights a month), which I think for Glen is enough. I have tried after school clubs in the past and they have never worked out for Glen due to him being tired at the end of a School day and attending the club has made him irritable in the evening. So I am not keen on getting Glen to attend an after school club again at the moment. I do however feel pressured by the School, they seem to think they know better than me even though I'm the parent. Please could you let me know what you think, do you think I should encourage Glen to join a club during the week even though he seems perfectly happy at home, more so now as he has his trampoline in the garden! After all he mixes with other children at School and on Saturdays, at respite and during all the holidays.
  5. Glen loves his trampoline he has had great fun jumping on it this morning so it does look like money well spent
  6. Hi, Hubby Carl and I bought Glen a trampolene for his 15th birthday tomorrow, Carl has just put it up in the garden, Glen is at his Dad's today so he won't see it until tomorrow. The trampoline is an 8ft one, for the smaller garden. I have had a jump on it and wow am I out of shape!!! I'm sure Glen will enjoy using it especially with the Summer coming. smile.gif
  7. It could be worth watching 'This Morning' today at 10.30 on ITV, I heard that they are discussing autism don't really know anymore details, but I am going to record the programme just in case. Just thought I would let you all know smile.gif
  8. JeanneA


    Thanks I wasn't sure it was contagious or not, it is a relief!
  9. JeanneA


    Hi, this is off-topic, but just wondered if anyone could tell me if shingles is catching? I 'clean' for an elderly lady once a week and Ive that she has got shingles. I am due round their tomorrow to clean, but was just a little concerned. I would appreciate any advice, thanks!
  10. JeanneA


    No my daughter isn't saving for anything she spends all her money! I will carry on with charging her after all its up to her where she sleeps she still uses this place to come and have baths, meals etc. I have been too soft in the past so time to toughen up I think!
  11. JeanneA


    Hi no Julie's boyfriend's Mum has not asked Julie for any rent but that doesn't surprise me because they are really well off, whereas I am not!
  12. JeanneA


    Hi I could do with some advice please, my 21 year old daughter Julie pays us rent of �40 a week, she's in full time employment earning quite a reasonable salery. The rent goes towards all food, electric, gas, doing her washing etc. but Julie sleeps round her boyfriend's parents house 6 or 7 nights out of 7. However, Julie still has dinner here after work, followed by a bath nearly every night (we haven't got a shower), also some other meals i.e. sandwiches, snacks etc. and she also has 'sky t.v'. in her bedroom which all comes out of the �40. Do you think because she isn't hardly sleeping here anymore her rent should be reduced as she seems to think it should! I could really do with some advice thanks!
  13. I've done it to and had a letter back from my MP saying he will be attending and supporting the Bill
  14. Hi I know exactly how you all feel, I've recently experienced behavioural problems with my son Glen 14, who is autistic. He was wetting, exposing himself, stripping off and hitting out at staff. Glen doesn't like being told what to do and if he is in the middle of something he 'HAS' to finish it and if you take him away from what he is doing then thats when the behaviour will kick off! I feel that the staff in Glen's class just don't really understand him, the class Glen is in the children have various disabilities they are not all autistic. Things are better now at School as they have put things into place for Glen which is working so far, his behaviour has been fine of late. You never know though if something upsets Glen he could suddenly change again especially as he is getting older.
  15. Thanks for your replies so far, my hubby wouldn't wet shave Glen he's had bad experiences himself when he was younger so thats a non-starter I'm afraid! It is very difficult, I don't know whether to try the facial removal creams or not if anyone has tried them please let me know if they are worth buying or not.
  16. I was thinking of trying a facial hair removing cream, has anyone tried such creams and if so can you recommend any?
  17. Hi, just wondered if anyone had ideas. My son Glen will not let you shave him with an electic razor. I guess he doesn't like the sensation of the razor on his skin. Has anyone else come across this problem, I really don't know what to do, I wondered if there were any 'special needs' razors on the market at all, or am I clutching at straws?? Anyway just thought I would ask. I would not consider wet shaving and neither would hubby Carl, so its no good anyone suggesting that one! Jeanne
  18. Hi, Glen has had good days since Monday, so hopefully it will continue, I don't take anything for granted though
  19. Well Glen's negative behaviour came back on Monday, he wetted, stripped off and hit out at staff in the morning, he was ok in the afternoon, they had swimming which he loves so at least the afternoon was without incident.. Yesterday, Glen had a very good day, no incidentsl all day so you can never tell from one day to the next whats going to happen. Jeanne
  20. Hi Enid just emailied you. I have just prescribed to Anna's book (E-book version) so I am looking forward to reading it once I get it through. Jeanne
  21. Thanks I would really like a copy of the book once its out. Glen has had a good week at School, I just hope it continues as do his teacher and staff, they are on edge every day as am I hoping that he doesn't revert back into negative behaviour. Jeanne
  22. Hi guys, well just to update you, Glen has started back School and no problems at all, he hasn't wetted, stripped etc or been aggressive, which I'm very pleased about although very suprised considering how he behaved the last 6-7 weeks of last term. Its early days of course, so I'm just taking one day at a time. The Ed.Pysc is coming in on Thursday and I am metting him to voice my concerns. Hope all is going well for your kids at the start of the new term.
  23. Thanks Karen, I do hope you are right but because I've had problems in the past involving School with Glen I do feel that the problem is definately a School one! It could be anything, something very minor that no-one is picking up on. One thing I have picked up on is the staff in Glen's class are not in that class all day, some go off to other classes even the teacher, I wonder if Glen needs to be around the same staff and not keep chopping and changing staff all the time.
  24. Hi I'm quite happy with any comments you are making so carry on
  25. Thanks so much for all your comments they are much appreciated. Glen attends a Special School and has done for the past 7 years. He has very poor understanding and communication skills he is not able to tell me if something is wrong and is not even able to do a thumbs up/down I'm afraid. I also think that Glen is at a difficult age going through puberty etc. which adds to the problems. I really hope that with all the various people getting involved something will help. It was getting to the stage before Christmas when I thought that the School would ask me to keep Glen at home because of Glen's aggression. I am dreading taking Glen to School on Monday, I just know he will be exactly the same as he was before Christmas. Jeanne
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