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Posts posted by DiabolicalSpoon

  1. It would be nice to see a similar program on ASDs done by the same people.

    I concur. It's also got me into looking into the possibility of working at one of those camps this summer.


    I can't help wondering if that girl (Jessica?) ended up at my old AS-oriented school, which was also in Somerset.

  2. Speaking from experience, I cannot even begin to explain how infuriating it is to not be trusted to have any independence.. Especially at that 11-14 age. It's when kids start to transcend from child to adult, and you really have to put some faith in them. I'm sure it's hard, moreso if you're a parent of an Autistic child, but everyone has to grow up sometime.

  3. I wouldn't have thought it's a bad thing. I often had to do the same when I was younger, and at the AS-school I attended a few years ago kids leaving for brief periods happened daily.


    Haven't had that issue for a while now, although at Collectormania (sci-fi convention) earlier in the year I had to go outside for half an hour because the volume of people really got to me.

  4. why is it acceptable to 'use' a disability in this way?

    Because of the recent rise in public awareness of Autism it's risen to pop-culture status making a faux-pas like that more acceptable. Such is the way of the world, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.



    Personally I've been expecting this to happen since TV documentaries about Autism started to appear a few years ago.. But there's no sense in getting caught up on the things you can't change.

  5. because of his interaction with people and his 'to the point' attitude, people tend to get the wrong isea of him

    I get that trouble where I work (shop assistant at a wine merchants), since I generally don't talk "cheerfuly" and I'm not the most responsive person in the world to customer small talk. Pretending to care about the weather is something I have great difficulty doing.



    Has your son ever been to college? It scared the hell out of me a couple of years ago when I started, but it changed my outlook and confidence immeasurably. I don't have problems talking to people I don't know any more, although getting nervous in certain social situations is still an issue on occasion.

  6. Photobucket have a bandwith limit I think,i've had an account with them for a long while and sure I remember issues with bandwith.

    Free accounts have a 2 and a half Gig monthly bandwidth limit, but unless you're expecting your pictures to be viewed around 1000 times a day it's not going to be a problem.

  7. Arggh and I was so hoping that 10 years of "Robots in disguise" we might be able to at least skim a few of the broken transformers and maybe the odd "transformed" tissue or too into the bin :pray:


    The fascination is spreading and my stepson has announced he wants a spiderman transformer for Christmas " as long as Alex will sort it for me" :wub: Meanwhile Alex wants another box of tissues to transform :wacko:

    10 years? I started buying them in 1989 and still haven't stopped. Have to love OCD.


    When I was in Spain I did see a transforming Spiderman in a cheap Chinese giftshop; but it was a bootleg and called "Clamberman". Doesn't quite have the same ring to it.

  8. Alex designed his own tshirt for our tour of Europe when he was 9. He ended up with a picture of a transformer on the front with the words "I'm autistic" and on the back was "What's your excuse?". He wore it until he couldn't get into it anymore and took great delight in pulling off his jumper to twirl around in front of anyone that dared to make a comment about his behaviour :whistle:

    Amazing. I want a shirt like that.


    And no, you can never be too old for Transformers.

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