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Posts posted by KJayT

  1. Thanks all for your ideas and input - it's helpful to even hear someone else's ideas.


    KezT - I genuinely do have a child with quite a few similar traits to J in my Nursery class; I have already mentioned that this child is also very into Thomas the Tank (like J) and has issues with toilets outside the home (like J). We are now starting paperwork with him, perhaps I could go down the route of bringing this child up again and see if she picks up on it...


    As a couple of you have mentioned, she may resent my saying anything if she doesn't perceive any problems with his behaviours, although I know she finds them exasperating at times. Part of me thinks she would find relief in knowing there are reasons for some of his behaviours...perhaps she does already have her concerns, I know her husband doesn't think it's "normal" that J doesn't have lots of friends, or that he isn't at all interested in being out on bikes/scooters etc.


    I'm thinking the best course of action now might be for me to see if she brings anything up in the near future and then mention the child in my class again...I suspect she may have something to say after this weekend, since they are at a family party I am unable to attend and therefore am not there to take J away from the noise and crowds when he gets upset and bothered by it.


    Thanks again for the replies - it's so nice to hear opinions from other people who have experience things like this!

  2. Hi,


    This is my first post here - I found the forum whilst looking for advice and hope someone can offer some.


    First, a little background - my cousin and I are very close. She has a just 4 year old son and, again, I am very close to him. I am a teacher in a mainstream Infant school with a fair amount of experience of, and an interest in, working with children with ASD. So I have seen my fair share of ASD indicators, traits, and diagnoses, over the years.


    To be totally honest, it's been a fair while coming to this. J was a little late to walk and more noticeably late to talk. Although he now talks well, he has somewhat of a speech problem, but there doesn't appear to be a significant language issue. From the age of, I would say, approximately 18mths, he has been fascinated with trains, which by the age of 2 I would categorise as an obsession, originally with Thomas the Tank, but it now incorporates trains of any description. He routinely lines up cars and trains. Whilst he is happy to interact and play with his 5 year old cousin, it doesn't seem to extend to other children - I asked his Nursery if he plays, and interacts with, other children (he has been there since he was a year old) and they said, "he's fine with the other children" and went off on a tangent (I can't really push the Nursery angle as it wouldn't be totally appropriate and it would get back to my cousin). He didn't play with any other children at a party for one of his Nursery classmates I recently took him to. He also dislikes loud noise to the point of upset and, although he will finger paint and make handprints, doesn't like other messy play particularly and likes to make sure his hands/face are clean after eating. I also suspect he may not be particularly temperature sensitive, and also that he isn't particularly sensitive to pain (although this is evidenced to a lesser degree).


    He is, though, a thoroughly lovely little boy. He's very affectionate with close family, very loving, such a character, my handsome boy. I love him like he's my own.


    Sorry to go on here, can't believe I've typed all this out! Am I just reading too much into it all because I work around these sorts of issues all day?? My concerns are coming to a head now as he's due to start school next September and I think it's paramount we at least get the ball rolling before then.


    My biggest problem comes with how to bring this up with my cousin. As I say, we're close, but there's not that closeness you have with sisters where you can say pretty much anything and get over it. I don't know where to start. I've kind of mentioned in passing little things, and I tried messy play at my house when she was here with him (so she saw he won't do it), but I feel the time for hints is slipping away rapidly.


    I guess it's just a selfish thing, but I don't want to sever our relationship, and the thought of not seeing J is heartbreaking. But from another selfish point of view, I'm caught between a rock and a hard place - if I bring it up, I will probably turn out to be the bad guy; if I don't, and it's brought up when he starts school, I'm also the bad guy for not noticing it, since I work around it.


    Aargh - I just feel completely lost about it all. If you've read this far, thank you so much. And if anybody has any suggestions at all, I will be very greatful.


    Thanks for reading.

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