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Posts posted by Ric

  1. Thanks for your message Bid. I've worked with young people with Aspergers so I'm familiar with the DSM, but I wanted to get a personal perspective from others who have been there, as well as from adults with aspergers. I can imagine that negative behaviours arise from others not understanding Aspergers (my husband grew up in northeastern England in a working class town and he was bullied for being different). Anyways, we have our ups and downs like all couples, we are both aware of each other's shortcomings and try our best to not blow things out of perspective.



  2. Hi again. I would just like to add that even though I used alcohol with some success, most of the time it was failure, unable to keep a job, driving offence, near break up of family just to mention a few. I am not condoning the use of alcohol and it dosen't mix well with aspergers at all. I assure you!


    Thanks Ric :^)

  3. Hi Tally. I think it is because I don't want to enter into a conversation that I ignore people. I don't want to encourage any interaction by saying hello or looking at them and yes this has led people to think I'm snooty and superior. It isn't because I don't like people Its the same feeling as being hugged even by a family member, I always just want to push away. In fact I am very envious of those that can have a normal conversation. I remember seeing my doctor when I left school at 15 and started work with this problem and he prescribed the usual tranquilisers etc that just made me worse, so he advised me to use a 'tot' of whiskey instead and this and lager ammounts I used for the next 38 years with some degree of success. I quite alcohol completlely a couple of years a go in a health drive, got fit and that is when the underlying problems surfaced, since, I have hardly been out, can communicate only with my pc and find that the probable cause for all these yeasr has been aspergers and discalculia. There is apparently a switched-on aspergers group in Buxton that I could visit the problem is, going thru the door in the first place.


    Many Thanks


    and my thanks also to Lain for the info.



  4. Thats really weird - having only just joined I never thought about this being linked to AS, but I was terrible as a child. Not so bad by far now (I'm 38) although last week I drove past a half-flat child's ball by the side of the road, and I worried about it all week, until I had to go try and find it! So glad to hear other experiences of this :)


    Hi, I know precisly the feeling. I have in the past driven by things and then picked them up. I am also glad to hear others experience this.


    Thx Ric

  5. Hi. I have recently had a letter from the Derbyshire NHS confirming my referral to a Clinical Psychologist in February. In the same letter it goes on to tell that even if ASD is confirmed, there is no support for adults with aspergers in Derbyshire or the NHS. One of the biggest problems I have is communication. I am 'scarred'? to use the phone, do not acknowledge friends, people, neighbours in the street or garden in fact I will not even go out unless there is no-one in the street. I find it very difficult sometimes to even communicate by e-mail and even posting on this forum now. I wondered if anyone had any advice or pointers regarding any information on this please.


    Many thnx Ric :^)

  6. Hi. Yes, anything that I keep I don't bother with. The problem comes when I try to throw these things away. The idea of throwing things away in pairs appeals and I will try this. Last month, I spotted a badly damaged Noddy car in Tesco's carpark and felt sorry for that. I just had to rescue it. It sits now on a shelf in my studio but I suppose that could be a childhood thing.


    I would sincerely like to thank all for your invaluable help.



  7. Hi. I coined this phrase for myself as a 'joke' when I was a schoolboy. I have had, and still have a strong tendancy to 'recue' pieces of general rubish waiting to be thrown away, I get a strong feeling toward it and have to keep it for a while. sometimes years. This can range from pins, cartons, broken elastic bands, dead batteries, documents and much more. Thinking about it, as a small child I used to donate 'broken' toys to the junior school jumble sales then be first in the que that evening to buy them back, because I felt sorry? for them. I have searched many times on the internet for explanation but the only clue that I found was possible 'emotional attachment'? I have never told anyone about this before but I am due for ASD assessment in February and wondered if anyone else had come across this or is it something completely separate?


    Many thanks



  8. Hi Kerry and welcome to the forum.


    Your right. Note all of your past experiences and feelings and present these to your GP. That is precisely what I did and I have a formal diagnosis in February. We share very similar stories and this forum has been a great help to me.


    Good luck and best wishes. Ric

  9. Hi and Thanks Vanna. I am feeling Exactly like yourself!!!!!! I also scored 41 on the test and then went through it again with my partner to add her perception of me and scored 46? I suppose we have to get used to the fact that we are going thru a life changing event and rather than be anxious about it, consider it an adventure? But please act now, you are young, don't let it stop you from taking lifes opportunities as I have let it do over the years. This forum and Nas has been a revelation to me. I have never in my whole life felt part of a community or group, just reading peoples questions and answers, all are so familiar to me, I thought I was totaly alone in these thoughts. Sorry for rambling, I don't communicate with anyone usually. :-)


    Vanna. Many thanks and very best wishes. Ric.

  10. Big Thanks Sally44. Your right of course and I have now adopted this strategy. At the moment, the jig-saw pieces are still falling into place. Thinking about my past, I am just thankful to whatever gods that corporal punishment has been stopped in schools. Between the ages of 5 and 12 my school life was hell and I didn't know why the teachers hated me so much- I know now of course and still bare the scars. Reading the stories on this site and elsewhere, I am appalled at some of the outrages some people and especially parents have to endure to access support and the proper educational requirements. I now appreciate that I am extremely fortunate to attend the local GP's practice that I have.


    Thanks for your kind words and advice...much appreciated


    And thanks to all...Ric

  11. I have just been referred by my GP for assessment for Aspergers. Two weeks ago I took an online test by a Cambridge specialist and scored 41 which apparently was very high? I then read the information from The National Autistic Society and the description it gave was like reading my own life history.

    I then spoke to my doctor who with some of her colleagues went thru my medical history and immediately gave me a referral. They were amazed that I had put up with it for so long. At the moment I feel in a void as all of my previous beliefs about myself and others have all gone. I am just feel anxious and uncertain.

    Listening to others on forum is very reassuring and helpful.


    Thanks. Ric


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