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Posts posted by Temg

  1. Hi everyone,


    Just wanted to introduce myself.


    I have a 5 year old DS and a 2 year old DD. My DD wouldn't co-operate with our health visitor for a developmental check so she referred her to a speech therapist. THe speech therapist did a full development check and said she was within normal range for everything however picked up on my son who was with us and said she was concerned about him and asked us to get an Occupational Therapy assessment. We did and were very shocked by the report.


    WE knew he had problems with his handwriting and sensory ssues but assessed as he was only 5 he had plenty of time to grow out of these in his own time. THe report was extensive and he has sever dyspraxia and Sensory processing disorder which we are only seeing for ourselves watching him in OT and watching how far advanced his sister is despite being 3 years younger. His OT feels these are part of a bigger picture within ASD's. HE has had 6 sessions of OT and today I asked her did she still feel he was on the spectrum now she had spent 6 hours with him in sessions and she said 'without a doubt'


    He is having a full multi-disciplinary evaluation starting in January which will involve home visits, school visits, cognitive assessment, developmental assessment, SALT assessment and another OT assessment. In the meantime we are continuing with OT and he has extra resources in school.


    Intellectually he is a few years ahead of his peers in Maths and Reading, if he didn't have problems he needed to work hard with like writing and colouring and cutting he'd find it boring.


    The things DS finds really tough to deal with are changes in routine and times, for instance even the hour change a month ago completely stressed him out which led to an episode of cyclical vomiting which he gets when stressed or doesn't eat at the right time, and noises which seem to give him and phobia response, hoovers, hairdryers, people talking, dogs barking, leave blowers in autumn (this list is much more extensive), and diet, DS only tolerates certain textures, anything the consistency of weetabix or mashed potatoes.


    I look forward to talking to others and getting advice and support. This is all very new to us (all has happened in the last 2 months) so forgive me if I say the wrong thing, we've just got our 'L' plates :thumbs:


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