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Posts posted by lukesmum

  1. Has anyone else had a difficult easter holday ?


    One minute my son is happy, content and everything is fine, the next thing he's quiet, crying or telling people to go away and leave him alone - He doesn't like the heat, yet again he's argued with his friends ( they love winding him up - arghh) and as for eating, well he's eaten me out of house and home -LoL

    What are the holidays like in your house, it's been very stressful in mine ~ One part of me loves to have him home from school the other part can't wait for him to go back.


    Oh and another question - Does anyone elses child make funny noises, my son been doung that a lot lately ?

  2. My son is waiting for an appointment to see the CAMHS (we've been waiting for nearly 2 years) He has always found school and socialising very difficult! In school he has trouble organising himself, usually loosing half his equipment or items of clothing. He has a very loud voice and if he has something to say he feels he must be allowed to say it. Homework is a chore (most of the time)He says he has no friends and nobody likes him. There is a group of boys who my son plays with where we live but guarenteed every time he goes out with them, he comes in upset, starts shouting at us, this sometimes spirals out of control and he ends up curled up on the carpet shaking and crying his eyes out or he goes up to his room and breaks things, eventually WHEN he calms down he tells us he's ended up arguing with them and they ALL gang up on him and start punching him, he works himself up so much and sometimes says he wishes he could end it all. I have tried talking to other parents about the problem but as my son can be quite volatile at times they tend to blame him. I am at my wits end it's been two long years and I just wish SOMEONE would turn to me and say "it's not his fault" but when anything happens my son always gets the blame - it's come to a point now where we've decided to keep him in for his own safety.

    Any advice would be gratefully recieved - Thanks

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