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Posts posted by jboo

  1. Hi, and thankyou for such a great forum. We are worried that our son may have Aspergers and have started the diagnosis process with a Community Paediatrician who also suspects that this is the case. We are struggling to understand his moods, anger and frustration and don't know how best to help him in the family home. He is having a hard time at school saying that "everyone hates me" and "no-one will play with me" and that he is being bullied which is awful for us to hear and know how to handle. We suspect that he is alienating himself by bossing the other kids around and by trying to dictate the play, (which he does at home with his younger siblings), but it is difficult to determine if this is the case as we're not there! There are a couple of points that the Community Paed. mentioned that we're unsure if they "tick the boxes" for our son if he does have Aspies and we're wondering if anyone can help us out. Our son seems to have a good imagination and occasionally shows an interest in other people's feelings and he also seems to be aware if we're not listening to him (e.g. if we break eye contact) so does this rule him out or is it possible to have Aspies and these characteristics? His rage and frustration has drastically increased since he started primary school, but should these characteristics have shown themselves at a younger age, or could he just be an unhappy and misunderstood little boy that doesn't have Aspies? He seems to be doing OK academically at school.



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