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Posts posted by Aeolienne

  1. Are you in college or university at the moment?

    No, I'm over 30 and finished full-time study in the 1990s. Unless the Open University module I'm doing at the moment counts.


    Did you spend a lot of time in the library? What are your thoughts on a library and what are your thoughts on the school library?


    The reason I ask this is because to me the difference between a libary and a school library is that in a library I have the resources to learn and it's a choice to go or not but a school library to me is an escape a place I could hide from bullies and delve into topics of my own interest so to me it was a sanctum. What was the library to you?

    It was somewhere to escape during mid-morning break and lunchtime, when I felt excluded by the typical teenage girls' conversations about what X said to Y when P saw Q snog A at B's party.


    Do you study science or work in that profession?

    I studied maths at university (and am doing a module in oceanography now), and all my full-time jobs have been science-related: building services consultancy, Met Office, environmental consulting. I suspect the conference aspect is the underlying resentment that I never got to have the kind of Met Office career which involved going to conferences, feeling part of a bigger picture and being able to network with other people who could understand the work I did (as opposed to fatuous remarks from people down the pub about whether I've been on telly).


    You feel that there is an important issue going on in your life and at the moment you feel alone especially because she fired you and she makes you feel inferior and weak and that's why you avoid her and take the long route

    Issues - where do I begin ... I was fired from the Met Office in May 2009 and have had only one other job since then (which also ended in dismissal). How could I not feel inferior to my ex-boss? I remember her parting shot to me was "Do keep in touch - I'd love to hear what you do next". :(

  2. The other night I dreamt I was in a building - identical in appearance to my high school - looking for the library. There was some kind of science conference going on in Room 112 or 113, because everywhere I went I saw signs about it. Just as I came up the main staircase I saw ahead of me some of the conference participants milling around having coffee in the lobby outside the staff room. One of them was my last boss but one (she who'd got me fired from the Met Office), so I quickly turned tail and tried to find another way into the library from the other end of the building.

  3. Salads based on grains (burghul, couscous, quinoa or barley) or pulses are good because you can make them the day before and they don't taste the worse for a night in the fridge.


    If you have access to a microwave at work, you can cook a jacket potato in under 10 minutes. Great way of using up a small amount of leftover curry, casserole etc.

  4. I hope Uni is everything she wants it to be and make sure the enabling support dept (or what ever the eqivalent is at her Uni) are fully aware of her needs. They are usually pretty on the ball and will do everything they can do to assist her. Use the facilties that are there to make sure she has the best experience possible.


    Finally and importantly - I hope she learns more than just academically. Uni is about growth and development and about FUN!

    Make sure she gets work experience during her vacations - don't assume she can walk straight into a decent job afterwards solely on the strength of her degree result.

  5. Hehe you're so correct .... one of the hardest things to do is not to deviate from the point lol

    How could you not cope with all eyes on you? don't worry things will go better for you next appointment :)


    Yeah, i understand what you mean about 'being taught' to look empathetic, it's just like domestication. If we want a treat thrown our way we gotta learn to act according to social approval and so we adapt to it while we are learning to cope.


    On some occasion where i thought i was being empathetic i question why am being like this and usually it's because i am empathising and feeling sorry for myself than i am the other person. which sounds really selfish.


    On the other hand i can be quite romantic but again maybe i have a selfish motive for that. Although i don't think normal people have the same problem with empathising i definitely think that most of the things each individual does is for an economical selfish reason including my own on further inspection

    I'm not sure if I understand what romance is. So many of the things that are said to be romantic strike me as silly, insincere or selfish.

  6. i like your name :) it sounds latin :) when i see it i get reminded of aelius which is one of the emperoror hadrians names and in AD122 he built the fort over looking the tyne in my local city :)

    In fact it's French, being the feminine form of the adjective for wind energy (energie aeolienne, parc aeolien), which in turn comes from the name of the Greek god of the winds Aeolus!


    I tried to learn latin but i think these use too many vowels so it's hard to remember

    Not nearly as vowel-rich as some other languages. Apparently Finnish has a word jäääärn which is the record for the longest string of vowels in the Roman script, or something like that.

  7. Firstly you might like to look up "kelly 1955 - construct theory" this says that "people interpret and make sense of the world using their own 'special little mini theories' or 'constructs' and if two people are constructs apart but have the same experience they willl interpret it in different ways."


    then in "1980 banister and fransella" said " we choose friends from queal or similar constructs which are why they are in tune with us"

    What's queal?


    then you might want to say that


    "byrne 1971" said "that we benefit from being with friends who are like minded and similar because we benefit from social reinforcement (rewards) for their agreement with our beliefs, mindset etc"


    then byrne and nelson in 1965 said "the higher the similarity the higher the level of attraction although it does not have to be the absolute number of shared values and contradictory experiences can produce negative outcomes"


    walster and walster and berschied 1978 -n equity theory - principles 3 and 4 say that people in an unequal relationship will feel distressed and try hard to restore the relationship back to a fair state



    i hope that helps with some of your assignment but the real point i was trying to make is that these are all real studies and they all state that by being with like-minded people you will benefit and feel better and i really think that's what you need right now. you don't have to wrestle with your relationship to society and try and make it feel fair again nor do you have to feel distressed you just need some people who are like-minded to make you feel good about yourself :)

    What if you don't have any like-minded people to be with, let alone friends?

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