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Guy Shahar

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Posts posted by Guy Shahar

  1. Hi


    Our 3 year old son with autism has been to see a Biomedical specialist twice - second time was today.


    First time round, the specialist suspected Strep throat, and put him on a dairy, gluten and soya free diet. This was very hard work, but we have now re-introduced dairy (though we have been told to keep it very limited), and are about to bring tofu back in. Gluten needs to be out for some time more, it seems.


    Today, the results of some organic acids tests showed clearly that he has some bugs in his stomach - that are associated with this condition, and these need to be cleared out. the specialist said that an antibiotic called Metronidazde was very effective in weakening such bugs, but they can come back to strength again as soon as you stop taking them.


    So, in order to keep them at bay so that they do not recur and our son can gain the strength to finish them off by himself, the specialist recommended the GAPS diet for a couple of years.


    However, this is unfeasibly strict. In fact the only things he can eat are:

    Meat/Fish/Eggs (which are out as he is vegetarian)

    Dairy (which is already very restricted)

    Nuts (he is not quite yet 3, and we understand that these should not be introduced yet)

    Some fruits and vegetables (which he barely eats now - apart from carrots, which are not allowed under GAPS).


    Does anyone have any understanding of how this works, and be able to suggest how we might move forward? We cannot ignore the fact that he has bugs that need to be treated. However, we are not just worried that the diet will be difficult, but t is certain that he will not get enough to eat on it. What other ways are there to help his body work with the antibiotics during taking them and then continue to work after the course is over? (without starving him....) Or any other approach?

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