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Adam Mars

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Posts posted by Adam Mars

  1. Maybe that's part of it, what you say makes sense, it's just that as part of doing this with the OU is that the degree is broken down into many modules, I do one a year and each one is different, so although I experience that dip over the course of a 9 month module (near the end I'm either stressed or bored of it) I don't feel the same thing is happening when looking at the degree as a whole.


    The end of a module is very different from the end of a course. If a module finishes - and you were bored or stressed by it - you have the next module to look forward to (and it might be more interesting or less stressful). When a course is nearing its end, you have uncertainty to 'look forward' to. If you have a naturally pessimistic outlook, or if you suffer from depression, that uncertainty can manifest as self-doubt, disillusionment, cynicism...all sorts of negative and largely 'false' feelings. And if you'd actually been looking forward to putting off the uncertainty by extending your study, then that disappointment and disruption to your planning simply exaggerates the negative feelings. Add in the uncertainty created by government cuts and you are facing a very difficult time, psychologically speaking.


    There aren't, I think, any easy answers, particularly if the services that might be able to help - psychological services - are pretty ineffective (and my experience of them is, I think, similar to yours). What a careers advisor would probably say is something like "Identify the transferable skills you've acquired through your study, identify the skills and attributes you are interested in using in an work situation...and then look for a job outside psychology that matches what you've identified". Careers advisors get paid to spout that sort of stuff as though it's the easiest thing in the world. It's not. It's difficult for NT people, more difficult for people with an ASD, more difficult still for people with low mood or low self-esteem and practically impossible for people with depression. But it does suggest a different route for seeking help: rather than trying ineffective psychological services, you could perhaps try a careers guidance service. Of course, you might find those as ineffective as psychological services, and you may find the same barriers to employment as many spectrum people do, but sometimes even ineffective advice and support can be enough to boost your morale a little bit and set your own thinking off in different directions.


    I'm not sure how much - if any - of this is helpful, but I'm just trying to distil my own experience into some sort of advice. Your mileage may vary. in any event, I wish you luck with whatever you decide to do.

  2. I think a lot of people doing a long course of study get into this position towards the end: there's been a clear map and path to follow for three or four years, and no there's uncertainty looming. There's also the fact that, however interested you are in a subject at the beginning of a degree course, it's difficult to maintain that level of interest over the life of the course. I was in a similar position towards the end of my degree and ended up doing a PhD, which just put off the same self-doubt for a few more years.


    Psychology is a very flexible subject in terms of careers; you don't need to become a clinical psychologist.




    Sensory issues can make physical contact difficult for autistic people, but sensory issues tend to remain constant.



    'Tend' is the operative word here. I have sensory issues which make physical contact difficult, but the extent of those issues (or my ability to cope with them) varies with the amount of stress I have in my life.



    If your boyfriend previously enjoyed physical contact and has now changed, this cannot be due to sensory issues otherwise he never could have tolerated it. There must be some other cause.



    Simply not true, I'm afraid.


    In therapy in the past I had great difficulty expressing my feelings, I would say something, then would be asked how I was feeling and that would be it, my mind would feel blank and over and over I would say "I dont know". Im finding the same problem with my counsellor at the moment. I end up sitting there, either looking away from them or tapping my leg.



    Sounds like alexithymia, which is quite common in people on the spectrum. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexithymia ) It makes most therapy inappropriate or unhelpful, unless you can find a therapist with some experience of relevant cognitive disorders, who can structure therapy according to your own strengths and weaknesses. If you find one, let me know :pray:

  5. A nice lazy way of saying diagnosis (or dx'd - diagnosed) just yet another short-cut for words - and no, it doesn't make sense to me but I've seen other's in "real life" use it as well so maybe it's from a short-hand convention - cba to find out (cba is can't be ar5ed) :devil::lol::devil:


    Dx - along with Sx (symptoms) and Tx (treatment) - derives from the traditional Rx (prescription or 'recipe')




    Tx and Rx are also used as shorthand for 'transmission/transmit' and 'reception/receive' in radio communication.

  6. Do you feel more or less able?



    Have you had support?



    How did your family react?

    My mother wanted to know if it was her fault. My twin brother got his own dx. My sister was very 'understanding' and overly sympathetic. My father ignored the news and carried on as usual. I prefer my father's reaction.


    My girlfriend read everything and anything she could find on the subject, explored with me ways to overcome or circumvent some of my problems, helped me learn to communicate better and has become my wife.


    If you got an "official" dx - did you get any help/support?

    The local autism resource centre made me aware of a couple of social groups which weren't really suitable for me.


    Do you feel understood?

    Contrary to cliche, my wife does understand me.


    How was the experience for you?



    Has anyone else found as issue regarding AS and MH when dealing with professionals?

    Mental health professionals have tended to think I'm an autism problem and pass me on to autism services (such as they are). Autism services recognise that my real problem is depression and pass me back to mental health services. And round and round we go.

  7. You certainly have to resign to claim constructive dismissal (you have to have been - effectively - dismissed, after all). You also need to resign in direct response to an employer's actions (or inactions), which in practice means resigning almost immediately after the action/situation which breaches employment rights, specific contract clauses or the implied clause in every employment contract of "mutual trust and goodwill". I happen to know this because I had to quit my job a few weeks ago, and I took legal advice about discrimination and constructive dismissal (and I've been down this road a few years ago with another employer). Constructive dismissal is a 'nuclear' option, which should only be pursued after all internal grievance procedures (and other internal avenues of resolution) have been exhausted. Constructive dismissal cases where the complainant has not made every reasonable effort to resolve the dispute are very unlikely to succeed, unless the action which prompts the resignation is extreme (extreme enough to make grievance procedures ineffective or inappropriate - refusing to tell you how to pursue a grievance, for example :wallbash: )


    As for the performance appraisal, that will need to be redone in the light of the diagnosis. It doesn't matter whether your friend or her employer were aware of the disability at the time...they're aware of it now, it existed at the time and her performance needs to be reappraised with the diagnosis in mind (and with reasonable adjustments which might allow her to improve her performance in mind). It may be that there are no reasonable adjustments which could be made, nor any reasonable way to allow her to improve her performance, but that would need to be a considered conclusion based on evidence (and would need your friend to demonstrate a willingness to make and accept reasonable adjustments).


    A final note: whoever 'wins' an Employment Tribunal case, everyone involved loses. It should be a last resort.


    EDIT: No, she won't get paid between resigning and the Employment Tribunal case.


    I feel bad because she is starting to have no one around for her that truly has her back



    There's a reason for that, and you've experienced it twice. She'll either learn from the consequences of her behaviour or not, but you shouldn't have to put up with the damage it does, nor should you feel guilty for not wanting to be damaged a third time.

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