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Everything posted by RYOUNG78

  1. Thanks for all the advice. I suppose I get paranoid because I seem them on Facebook with their other friends and think why can I not have lots of friends like them. but as i read in a book recently friendship should be about quality not quantity.
  2. When I emailed the friend I mentioned above and said that I saw her a close friend this was the response I got " ahhhhh bless that's made my day x". From that reply do you think she sees me as a friend?
  3. I have found that I have become very obsessive about my friends. Worrying about them all the time especially when they are doing activities with other friends which I am not involved with. Is this linked to Aspergers?
  4. Slightly off topic but my friend has a very different personality to me and is very brash, outgoing, a fighter. My point is does it matter if two friends have different personalities?
  5. Thanks for your replies. Luckily the person I keep asking these inappropriate questions to has been a friend for a long time and so has always forgiven me. I just need to get out of the habit and remind myself that if I don't stop doing this she may not be a friend for much longer.
  6. Does anybody else fixnd that they ask inappropriate questions without really thinking through what they are saying. It is becomming a bit of a habit which I need to urgently get out of.
  7. Does anybody have any thoughts on my dilemma?
  8. I have worked with somebody in our office for over 10 years. I see them as a close friend and have told them this but now I worry that I may have been too quick to say this and she may now take advantage of the situation. My problem is working out if they are a true friend to me. Any advice would be welcome.
  9. Hi. Thanks for the advice. I have one friend who I have worked with for a number of years, although the friendship has only really grown recently since I discovered that I probably have Aspergers and becuase of this have worked harder to improve the friendship as I realise I do lack some social skills. The same goes for my other friend I have known since secondary school. I have realised that to maintain a friendship you do have to put some effort in.
  10. How you tell if somebody is a true friend. Does anybody have any advice when it comes to maintaining and growing a friendship?
  11. Hi. Thanks for the advice and details of the books which I will explore further. I have a couple of friends at present and I am struggling to make sure that I don't do anything wrong to mess up the friendships I have.
  12. Are their any unwritten rules when it comes to how often you should keep in contact with your friends or should you just go with the flow?
  13. What about making friends at work. Is that a good idea?
  14. Feeling insecure at present but not sure why. Does anybody have any advice on how to deal with this?
  15. Hi. Thanks for the advice. My biggest problem is that I have a tendency to overthink things and worr too much.y
  16. When I talk with friends / work colleagues I always seem to come out with inappropriate comments as a result of not thinking things through first. I realise this is probably part of the condition and something I need to work on. Has anybody else had experience of this / suggestions how I can modify my behaviour to stop it?
  17. RYOUNG78


    Internet dating websites. I struggle with face to face contact although I am getting better.
  18. How can you tell if somebody wants to be friends with reyou? Can you tell from their body language?
  19. Do you think I am worrying about this too much? Should I just go with the flow?
  20. Normally yes. She seemed happy enough the last time we met for lunch.
  21. I have a female friend I have known since Secondary School. What I find strange is that I always seem to be the one making contact. Is this normal or should I read more into it?
  22. What I find most difficult is trying to make conversation with new people when I meet them, especially when I seem to struggle with reading body language. Does anybody have any tips for situations like this?
  23. Thanks for all your help and advice. I appreciate it.
  24. I have had difficulty since Secondary School making and building friendships, I think I can put this down to my Aspergers. How does an Adult with Aspergers make and build new friendships?
  25. RYOUNG78


    Hi. Many thanks for your welcome.
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