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Posts posted by zambrax

  1. I have always wanted to go out and party with my friends, but i have always been to scared to try Alcohol incase i said something i would regret, but on monday night i tryed it for the first time and the more i took the better i felt. It was like my AS was gone and i felt on top of the world and not one worry in my head. I did not feel so smart when i woke up and was back to my usual dull and stressed self :(


    But my problem is i'm now tempted to drink all the time, because i want to feel like that all the time and everyone said how much of a different person i was that night.

  2. Sorry to hear you have had so much trouble with who you are. From your brief story it doesn't sound like Aspergers syndrome but I think only an expert could make that diagnosis.


    Have you read anything about AS, do you think you fit the criteria? You say yourself you stopped going out because you were afraid of your sexuality and until then you were very social. This would not fit a diagnosis of AS.


    Have you seen a phsychologist? If you explained to him what you are feeling he would understand and try to help you. It would be in the strictest confidence and he would not be allowed to tel your mum.


    Are you sure you would be treated badly if you came out? The times have changed so much that being gay is not viewed as badly as it used to be. You don't say how old you are now. Maybe you don't need to come out just yet, you could try getting back your life and see how you feel, no one can tell by looking at you that you are gay.


    I don't know how else I can help you but speaking as a mother, your mum is probably very worried about you and only trying to do what she thinks is best.


    I hope I have helped in some way. Talking about things is often the start to helping yourself, you have made the first move here. Feel free to PM me or post more messages here if you need to.



    Hi, thanks for replying, i am seeing a phsychologist and they are trying to make a diagnosis but i keep trying to hold it up because i feel i need to tell them about the other problem (being gay) i am just soo stressed out i just don't know if can tell my mum, she is forever telling me to get a girlfriend which does not help...


    i am 15 almost 16


    Thanks for your nice replys

  3. Hi,

    This is such a long story but i just have to tell someone before i burst...

    I have always has a pritty normal life i have had lots of friends and was always very outgoing... then it hit 12 and that's when things started to go wrong (i live with my mum and we have always had a weird relationship) we don't get on very well, so anyway when i was 12 i started to doubt my sexuality and that's when i stopped going out (because i did not want anyone to pick up on this) so as the week and months went past i slowly lost lots of my friends...


    Then i stopped going to school that's when things got worse because my mum said something was going to have to be done so she going others involved and becasue i stopped going to school and outside and did not want to face people my mum thought i had Aspergers.. so now they are trying to make set things in stone and ive me a lable off something i don't think i even have!


    This is a very Homophobic place if people found out i was gay they would eat me alive (anyway i have acepted i am gay now) but i just can't tel anyone i am gay i feel like i too tell someone incase i don't have AS


    Do you think i have As? (remember this is the short story) i am unsure what to do :blink:

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