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Posts posted by zizmarley

  1. Thankyou for your reply.

    Your are probably right my post sounds cliched, i tried not to sound like that and just be honest but i do have troubles getting my thougts out properly (if that makes any sense lol) so it was easier to stick to the problems i have that are probably a bit more commonly associated with the condition. think your probably right in that a diagnoses of anything along these lines would be difficult as an adult. I know it was hard enugh for a young (about 8 years old) family member to get a diagnosis of autism. I will read that book you suggested as i do like to have a better understanding of alot of things and this will help.

    I think your right that aspergers is a "trendy" thing at the minute in the media and hope ive not come across like i want a diagnosis of it or anything like that. I think i need to really think about if a diagnoses of conditions along this line, if i do have a cndition that is similar, will be helpful to me or not.

    Thankyou again for your reply

  2. Hi im new to the forum , so if this is the wrong section im really sorry and please put it into the right board section

    First of all i will say i suffer from cfs/me which can effect me cognitively so sometimes my sentences may make little sense, please let me know if yu cant understand, also the odd letter will be missing because it also effects my muscles and i have troubles typing on a laptop.


    On topic, im 20 and am begining to realise i think i suffer from aspergers syndrome. Ive always suffered since i was yung socially, i could never really get most standard social standards and norms. ive never liked people getting in my personal space. Its not a huge thing for me, but in shops i can get very anxioous when people stand too close to me in a queue. I dont like hugging people and only hug family members and very close friends because its expected of me, i hate it and pull away very quickly.

    When Having conversations abut things i dont personally care abut i sort of drift away or try and steer the conversation to something i can talk about. I have what i call standard responses to people when they talk about things and im not sure where the conversation is going. For example: "oh dear" "thats not good" "oh right" "yeah maybe" and then i pretty much kill converation withut meaning to by not contributing effectively :/

    I hate meeting new people, i dont know what to say, what im suppossed to say, how i should act. I cant make eye contact so it unnerves me, id rather look at the floor. When people try and force eye contact i get very distressed, i think people think im being rude by not giving eye contact but im not.

    I really cant express emotions very well, i get obvious emotions that other people express. But myself i cant, if im upset i dont tell anyone.I hate new places, and dont dont like new situations.

    I was forever falling out with friends at school because i was honest about my thoughts on certain subjects and would talk about my favurite things for ages and they get bored. I hate imagination games when i was younger in playgruonds and remember just seeing hoow high i could count in one breaktime rather than playing with other kids. I hated working with other people for classwork or doing time wasting creative tasks just so the teacher could mark work. I have no creativity at all so hated art. drama stressed me out a huge amount as well.

    I much prefer my pets to people, alot easier to get along with and understand!

    I also suffer quite alot from anxiety.



    Is this sounding like aspergers syndrome? I know and understand no one can diagnose without meeting me and is something only a dr can do, but i get paranoid my dr thinks im wasting her time with my physical health problem so i try and avoid drs at all costs. Should i be seeing a dr? How do i tell a dr ?

    Is a diagnoses actually necessary? I hate waiting in my doctors waiting room, there are too many people and my doctor is always late and then rushes my appointment.

    So does what ive typed sound like a person with aspergers syndrome?

    Im sorry i seem to have rambled alot

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