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Status Updates posted by SensitiveSoul

  1. Once again I've messed up! It's hard when you interact not based on instinctively knowing how to, but based on what you've seen and heard others say and do in similar situations. I responded how I thought I was supposed to in the circumstance, and have only served to land myself in a pretty messy situation!

  2. Feeling anxious and stressy. Why did I ever go along with something I was never comfortable with - stupid, stupid girl!

  3. With a supportive kick up the backside and nudge in the right direction from Elaine Nicholson, I have managed to overcome my feelings of stress and anxiety and deal with the situation that was causing it. I'm proud that I listened to what was said and did something, rather than letting the anxiety win and just saying 'I can't do it!' I am definitely making changes - small ones, but changes none the less!

  4. Had a fab session with my therapist and a lovely evening with Robert Mann. Happier Sonia today :)

  5. I've made my foot go dead from sitting on it again and now have got major pins and needles while the feeling is coming back! I don't even notice it's happening until I try to move because sitting on my feet feels so comfortable. Just one of my many quirks!

  6. I wish I could get across to people just how horrible it feels when I have to try and cope with unexpected change or a complete lack of structure and routine, because I feel like I look so stupid when I break down in tears over what looks like such a non-issue to everyone else. Having said that credit where it's due, my manager has been incredibly understanding yet again.

  7. Can't believe I slept till now! Shows how sleep deprived I've been. Hasn't made me feel any better though - I feel rough as!

  8. Would so love an Elaine Nicholson hug right now! I'm feeling pretty lonely and would love nothing more than to see her smile at me and hear her say it'll be ok. I hate being so far away from her sometimes! Time to pick myself up and do something to help me feel better - perhaps some drawing...

  9. Spent a lovely day with my sister and my beautiful niece. We put the Christmas tree up at my sisters and Nevaeh is now crawling and she went straight for it! lol

  10. My head is pounding and I've got bad pain in my side. I don't feel well at all! Took painkillers and slept - didn't help. Gona try a bath and see if that helps :-(

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