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Posts posted by Siadwell

  1. As an ex RAF electrician for 12 yrs, my experience of the armed forces were that you were told that "first and foremost you are a soldier"!!! My whole career I kept saying no I'm a leckie but they would not have it. To put it bluntly, anyone seving can be called upon to do his , or her, service as they have signed up. My DS says sometimes that he would like to join up, but I could just imagine his response when the Corporal is there barking orders at him to shine his shoes better, get his hair cut, sort his uniform out, sadly, I can't see it happening. Only wish I could... :(

  2. I've got the album TEN by Pearl Jam, my fave is Jeremy, this one though is Even Flow. ( by the way spelling is smack on)


    Try this one eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssyyyyyyyyyyy...............


    Thought you were smart when you took them on,

    But you didn't take a peep in their artillery room.

    All that rugby puts hairs on your chest.

    What chance have you got against a tie and a crest?

  3. Sorry, I know it's still summer but if your kids are anything like mine and love Santa then try this, just send them a return address and name and they will get a reply from the man himself...




    SAN TA1


    as long as it is received before December the 13th. :party:

  4. We bought a dog 2 years ago (Siberian Husky) and he did the same to our DS, we now have 2 Huskies but sometimes, especially when the dogs flatten something he has made or is making then look out, he shouts at the dogs as if they are human saying they did it in purpose, and shouting in the garden that he's going to sell them to the butcher for 50p each. You are right though I think dogs have some understanding of human behaviours. In the worst of meltdowns though you will find the dogs under the table out of the way. :P

  5. Linkin Park's, "A Place For My Head"


    And yes, I cheated in order to get the thread moving.


    My go:


    'You have never been in love,

    Until you've seen the sunlight thrown

    over smashed human bones'

    Something uplifting for a Sunday night . . .


    CLASSIC Morrissey - The First Of The Gang To Die


    Another total classic, great for driving :devil::devil:


    Bye, bye, its been a sweet love.

    Though this feeling I can't change.

    But please don't take it badly,

    'Cause Lord knows I'm to blame.

  6. Hello, yes our DS is now 12 and aggression,temper is on the increase while his basic skills, walking, talking and his whole persona are on the decrease. I started a post in help and advice on this particular topic (loss of skills) and alot of people were going through the same thing, must be adolescence kicking in we ,as parents, just literally have to grin and bear it... :D

  7. Strange creatures us men, my son was diagnosed 2.5 years ago and I still find it VERY difficult to understand why he does what he does. I suppose we look at our lads as being a little me, must be a testosterone thing? I get jealous when I see other dads with boys the same age and they are chatting like old mates, in school parents complain that they have to take so and so to Karate or football training and get up early on a wet weekend to take him to football, I just think " If only ", instead he sits in his own world playing computer games. Sometimes I think I've got a handle on this and then BANG something just crops up out of the blue and back to square one. At the moment I am the house husband and main carer so I just say I have to be the grown up and get on with it, this is the card I've been dealt.

  8. FOUND IT...


    Peace and quiet

    In some contexts, peace refers more generally to a state of quiet or tranquility ? an absence of disturbance or agitation.


    Those who travel to remote, rural areas often notice the striking difference in the noise level between the cities and the countryside; hence the term "peace and quiet". Conflict that occurs in nature, however, often produces sounds. When animals fight, the surrounding forest can become even more silent, as the non-engaged animals warily await the outcome. After a conflict, the normal sounds and actions of the inhabitants eventually reappear.

  9. Applied to the Family Fund in middle of May, (asked for new computer, this one is steam driven, and a climbing frame) received a letter in July to say that someone would come out to see us within 4 weeks. Two weeks later a woman came out asked a few questions about our ds and how it affected us all as a family. One week later (today) we received a letter informing us that we could get help of ?600 for a computer from PC World, and ?400 for a climbing frame from Argos, unfortunately all the frames in Argos are too small so we asked if we could get one elsewhere, the woman on the phone said this should not be a problem. If only other organisations could be as professional as this life would be so much easier...Thank you FF. :D:D:D

  10. . . . To take them home to

    the ones that they love

    and who love them forever


    Going Underground.


    You take it Keyhole Kate.

    you got the rest of the words right, but it was actually Down in the tubestation at midnight.

  11. Strange that most fave colours seem to be blue, our DS hates the colour blue, which is rather unfortunate as his new school uniform colour is BLUE :huh: . Blue jumper and light blue shirt, but we send him in a white shirt, ( don't think they'll expel him for that???) :pray:

  12. Winnie the Pooh, Christopher Robin and their forest friends are "seriously troubled individuals" according to Canadian researchers.

    Far from being the innocent world it appears to be on the surface, Hundred Acre Wood is, say the reseachers, a place where psycho-social problems are not recognised or treated.


    In a report published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, the specialists suggest AA Milne's characters would be better off with psycho-active drugs and more parental guidance.


    Lead researcher Sarah Shea said the purpose of the tongue-in-cheek study was to remind people that anyone can have disorders.


    Pooh, is said to suffer from the condition known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).


    His fixation with honey and his repetitive counting behaviours suggest he may also present obsessive compulsive disorder, according to the report.


    Pooh's learning problems could also arise from him being dragged downstairs by Christopher Robin, bumping his head on each step - a possible case of "shaken bear syndrome", asks the study.


    "We cannot but wonder how much richer Pooh's life might be were he to have a trial of low-dose stimulant medication," say the researchers.


    Piglet obviously suffers from generalised anxiety disorder according to the study.


    Anti-panic agent, it says, would have saved him from the emotional trauma experienced while attempting to trap heffalumps.


    Role models


    While the chronically depressed Eeyore and risk-taking Tigger are also prescribed different kinds of medication, some of their friends need support and better role-models.


    Had his condition been identified early, Owl's dyslexia could been overcome through intensive support.


    The researchers predict that Roo is likely to become a delinquent for lack of a good role model, while Kanga will probably miss the opportunity to get an MBA due to a social context that does not "appear to value education and provides no strong leadership".


    Which brings us to Christopher Robin.


    Not finding any diagnosable condition, the specialists express concern over several issues. Namely, the boy's lack of parental supervision and the fact that he spends his time talking to animals.


    "Sadly the forest is not, in fact, a place of enchantment, but rather one of disenchantment, where neuro-developmental and psycho-social problems go unrecognised and untreated," conclude the authors.


    Whether the readers of Pooh would benefit from the bear's visit to a child development clinic, as suggested in the study, is another matter.

  13. Well, I wouldn't say he was gorgeous (not that way inclined) but here goes, try this one...


    Did your world collapse one day

    Nothing left to give away

    Spending hours on the phone

    Don`t hang up I`m on my own

    I can`t face it when you go

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