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Posts posted by BigWinters

  1. Hi.


    I'm currently on a creative writing degree and for a part of my course you have to produce a large script for whatever format you want. I chose a comic book. I'm a decent writer, by the way. Not great, but improving.


    My comic book focuses on a group of young people in Manchester, coming to terms with themselves in the face of greater society changes and opinions. Stuff like young people's expectations for the future, how young people are represented.


    One of the characters I have broadly based upon myself. Whilst I've never been tested for Asperges or Autism, I can really relate to a lot of traits and symptoms throughout the spectrum. Maybe I have Asperges, and maybe I don't; I honestly don't know. I also don't particually feel a need to find out for sure, or maybe that's just fear talking. Who knows.


    I wanted a character to reflect some of the feelings and thoughts and worries about myself that I have daily. I also wanted the character to either help out at a Autism Friendly Film screening, or just to simply go to one. Partially to compare himself to those who have been officially diagnosised, but to force himself to get involved with something outside of his comfort zone, in an effort to disprove his own tendency of hating change and new people.


    Whilst I am planning on going to one of these screenings, I wanted to ask if anyone on this forum has had more experience in these screenings, in any way, simply to make it more realistic instead of relying on my own data. If anyone also has any ideas about the character, they would be appreciated as well.


    You can message me on here.



    Edited to remove personal details.

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