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Posts posted by Loubs56

  1. That's really interesting that you should mention the social and imagination aspects. I was reading the same thing recently in a book and asked my son those questions. His reply to comforting someone who was upset was to pull funny faces to make them laugh (i do love my little jacks character :lol: ), and his most perfect happy place would be buying lego (his specialty is lego).

  2. Hi Kerrie and Caroline


    Thanks for your replies.


    Kerrie I pleased that the assessment went well for you both, what did your little boy have to do? It all seems such a long waiting game but i hope you get the answers you need. It sounds like you are very tuned into your little lads needs that's really sound advice thank you.


    Caroline thank you to for getting in touch it's lovely to hear from mums i can identify with, it really clicked when i was reading your post about school. To the teacher Jack obviously appears to get on with people. It would be easy to put it all down to him being extremely overbearing or naughty, he will talk to anyone but he cannot read other people or listen he shouts over them. I've had the odd child round and they want to go home after a time because he's to much :rolleyes: . I have a feeling you are right he does try to comply alot at school and he relies on it for routine but his idiosyncrasies are more pronounce at home and in public.

    I do understand when you say school treat the symptoms rather then the root, my oldest has dyslexia, different to managing aspergers but i always felt like that. I was talking to a friend who is a teacher and apparently their experience of being trained up for working with special needs children is 2 days in a special school!!! No wonder that most of them appear clueless. It's not good and i hope your little boys school pull their socks up x


    Thanks again xx


  3. Hi Everyone

    Thank you so much for your brilliant replies, i really appreciate them and I apologize that i haven't been here for a while to thank you all.

    Your posts have really helped and i ended up talking to the school and Gp.

    The school were useless, their response was "forget about it we won't do anything until he's 8, and anyway he talks to other people"!!!!!! I took him to the GP who was brilliant, he had a chance to observe Jack anxious behaviour while we were there and agreed to a referral. That was back in Feb and we received his initial appointment for the 4th July with a pediatrician.


    I have also been getting myself clued up on ASDs and have started taking steps to help Jack at the times he becomes anxious. Mainly trying to avoid situations i know he won't be comfortable etc town/shops, and preparing him for events that come up that will disrupt his routine. I know that we haven't had any diagnosis but i feel that i understand him and his behavior a bit more and can cope with his meltdowns.


    Thanks again



  4. Hi Kerrie

    Thank you for your reply, it's always reassuring to talk to ppl who are going through the same kind of stuff you are. Your post especially hit a note because i have just had jack's initial referral interview with a pediatrician and i suddenly questioned myself again, after reading your advice it has boosted me on to keep pushing. I must admit i am worried about how he'll cope with his move up to the juniors, but it's not until next year so i'm not thinking about it a great deal yet.


    How did you're sons appointment go??? I hope that you get the answers and support that you all need.



  5. Hi


    Can i say a massive thank you to those that replied to my post (Is this Aspergers) sometime ago, and apologize for not replying to your kind responses alot sooner.


    I did take you advice and approach the class teacher. She said that she has noticed that he has obsessions and he finds it hard to focus and talks to much however has no concerns regarding his behavior, and that the head had told her that they wouldn't do anything about it until he was 8+.


    I'm at a loss what to do about it really. Should I leave it and see if it develops or should i seek further advice from my GP so any problems can be addressed earlier (if it is a asd disorder). These are my concerns really that I keep lingering over. It doesn't seem to be affecting Jack educationally at the moment, however he clearly has problems socializing and is starting to feel different. He has 1 good friend, but he can't understand why no-one else is as obsessed with star wars and doesn't want to play it constantly, therefore he feels he doesn't have friends. He does find it hard to relate to people, lack of empathy and understanding of others is poor. Certain behaviors I have noticed are becoming more prominant. IE. Panic attacks particularly to noise/crowded spaces, but only in certain places mainly town and shops (but not at school). Over sensitivity to smells and foods, he won't eat foods that are mixed together or look/smell nasty to him. He is obsessed with star wars lego, and has them in a certain arrangement if any are touched or moved even slightly he will know and get very upset/paniky. He won't even play with them himself for fear of them getting broken or mixed up. However it's confusing that he doesn't present these in the school environment. Or i suspect he does but his behavior isn't as serious as others.


    I have worked with children with particular needs, as has my sister who is currently training to be a HV and has currently been placed in an assessment unit for children on the asd spectrum. We both feel that he certainly displays aspergers symptoms (if thats the right word), but feel that he is so boarder line that it might not be picked up.


    It's really really hard because it really does affect our home life. When he's lovely he's great but he can switch in a second and his episodes can last minutes, hours or days, it's like walking on eggshells. The more i read about aspergers the more i can see his triggers and also that his tantrums seem be more like anxiousness rather then a tantrum, sometimes similar to a panic attack. How do deal with these, How do i calm him down ????? Because I think i clearly need strategies to help him through and to keep my own sanity.


    Anyway, sorry for rambling, I'm completely at a loss what to do.


    Louise x



  6. Hi


    I wondered if anyone could offer me any advice re: my 6 year old son.


    I've always had an intuition that there was something 'different' about Jack. Just recently I've started to wonder if he might have aspergers.


    I guess you could call him very highly strung and he's an extremely intense little boy. From the age of 2 he has had obsessions, for a couple of years it was dinosaurs. He would spend all day living, breathing them, he remembered an unbelievable amount of their names. It's now star wars, and he will literally play, watch, study the stuff all day everyday. He has toys that he will arrange obsessively and if one moves an inch he will become distressed. At nursery they thought he was a genius, but by pre-school they were concerned that they could not turn his attention to anything else.


    He's very full on in your face, he doesn't know when to stop. When he has friends round he HAS to play star wars, and when they loose interest he cannot seem to understand. He really has trouble reading other people and people get tired of his energy. I have to say i understand to a degree, he will talk the leg off a hind donkey about star wars and i find it hard myself to keep switched on. However he doesn't really have trouble making friends, as long as they share his interest, he's been at school for 2 years and he couldn't tell you any other kids in his class apart from his 3 friends. I have had teachers say he's very exclusive.


    Emotionally he's a roller coaster, he really has trouble with anger and understanding his feelings. I think thats the hardest part. If something distresses him he is like a volcano and there's no calming him down, it;s like he looses control and can't stop. It's difficult to calm him down, it's like he has a huge panic attack and he won't let me touch him and he can't listen to what i'm saying to reason with him.


    He's sensitive when it comes to loud noise, and super with smells and certain textures of food.


    I feel i need to go and have a chat with his teacher to see how she feels about it. However they have never flagged up problems regarding his learning or behaviour, just comments like he talks to much usually about star wars.


    Should i be concerned???


    Any input would be much appreciated x

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