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Posts posted by styks

  1. My stitching and ability to recognise music tracks within seconds of hearing them.


    Hi, musical abilities are running top at the mo. .... I'm not that way, I do play the Bodhran but from what I've heard that doesn't count! lol


    I see one of your interests is Star Trek, I'm also a Trekkie. I love science fiction books and films.


    Just out of interest, what are your favourite characters in Star Trek .......... It will be interesting to see if my thoughts / ideas regarding your possible answer are correct.

  2. Like I said in one of my posts, in the words of Arnie "I'll be back" :) ...... It's good to see some interest in the positive side of Aspergers.

    I have many hobbies and one takes my focus for a while, then another and another. I've come to accept my Aspie side and that I need to do this.

    One thing that has not improved as I thought it might is my social awkwardness, I still seek solitude, I supose one can't change one's nature.


    We don't have enough yet to see if there is a common thread or for a real unusual (that I've not heard about) gift to emerge, however, having said that any gift or ability is special!

    I'd like to throw something else in to the mix. .......... I read somewhere that folks with Aspergers / ASD can live in a bit of a fantasy world.

    Is it possible that these abilities are sometimes exagerated a little ?


    Oh, and not an ability but something I noticed during my time with the psychologist that now makes me laugh. If someone passes me and pops a hand up in recognition and I reply, I have to repeat the action at least twice after they have passed. I thought it was when I was driving only but now noticed I do it when walking also. My brother just say's I'm weird! …. lol

    I tried to stop it once but imeadiately started feeling very anxious, so now I just let myself do it.

    When I mentioned it to the psychologist she said that action repeating / looping is normally gone in adults. Anything like that lingering in others ?


  3. My talent is photography, I see what others don't. I hate being stuck at home on a fine day when i could be outside taking picture's. Does anyonme else like photography?




    If the link doesn't work above.


    That is a beautiful seascape, I also love photography but I don't have your eye unfortunately :( ......... I have to really think about it, composition, colour balance etc. I tend to do a lot of work in photoshop before I'm happy, but's that me never 100% happy with what I've produced even though others say they're great.


    Do you have a flickr account? I'd like to see more of your work.



  4. I do have quite a temper under certain circumstances, other difficult circumstances I'm very patient.


    If I see something like bulling a vulnerable person it assaults my morals, I have a strong moral base and I think it's an Aspie shared trait, I'm an Aspie.

    I have a strong angry reaction, practically fury. It can also happen if I'm challenged over agressively, folks swearing at me showing aggressive body laguage etc etc. .... I mentally and physically colapse afterwards.

    Or if I see a very self centred/selfish attitude to someone else I can act inappropriately. If someone who knows me well ie family, (no real friends I'm sorry to say,) I've asked them to use a trigger word to stop or temper my reaction if they see it escalating.

    My trigger word is simply ; Aspie.

    I believe this is one negative Aspie trait. ........... Although in certain circumstances I guess it could be seen as posstive?


    I agree mindfulness is very useful but in the heat of the moment it's very hard to use and also takes many years of practice to master it, mind you (pun intended :rolleyes: ) I do think it's worth the effort. It certainly helps in all aspects of life.

  5. Hi nicciandsteve.

    I'm a Steve also :)

    Not been here for a while, I do tend to switch from one thing to another for a while to keep my interest, I need to do this.

    So if I break off for a while, I've not dumped the forum.

    I also took an IQ test with a score of 160 when I could be bothered to give it my full attention eventually. I really do have to be interested in something to spend valuable thinking time on it.

    Some folks think I'm a bit thick, uninterested in what is said, I hate wasting words verbally that is, different when I'm typing I tend to be a bit of a waffler! :)


    You mention reaction times, I'm not as quick now but can still whip a coin out of most peoples hand to thier amasement. It's quite strange I let a feeling build up, it's like a strange bussy/tingly feeling, hard to explain but once it reaches a peak my arm shoots out like releasing a streatched elastic band. I used to win the odd pint with that trick!

    If an accident happens I was there dealing with it before some had even thought about it.

    Whether these are connected/shared traits I have no idea.


    I'm very interested in sharded traits and abilities, I feel it could help isolate what genetic differences there are between us and neurotypicals.


    Keep em comming, even something you may consider not worth mentioning. Some very interesting stuff that could link us all may develop. The more we share the more we understand.

  6. Sorry to hear of the negative comment from his pediatrition. "He would not be able to do pretend play as his imagination may never develop" Well from what you've said he's wrong of course.

    I have a feeling he will continue to surprise you! ..... You might find he will be able to solve problems imaginatively using the knowledge obtained as he grows.


    I remember seeing a chimpansie on TV. He was put in a room with a table on which there was a clear tube fixed atop with a peanut pod at the bottom, not big enough for the chimp to get her hand or tounge in. Also on the table was a container of water.

    Now of course she wanted that peanut. After a few goes with hand and tongue you saw her stop and look at the water, then she proceeded to suck up the water and put it in the tube. Bingo ... she got the pod.

    Now of course she had learnt from somewhere that peanuts float.


    My point is if an animal with very limited intelligence compared to us can come up with an imaginitive solution to a problem working with the knowledge obtained, .... For Gaia's sake surely your son can!


    Paul 1234, ........... Tis great to have you here my friend. ......... I too will not succumb to old age, just yet! ;)

  7. Hi Mummy2astar, good to meet you. Yes of course join in, all are very welcome. :)


    I think we should be careful calling these abilities “super talents” …. ;) For exactly the reason paul1234 is concerned about.

    “Hightened ablities” may be sounds a little less? … I don't know, I can't find the word so I'll make one up, will showoffy do?


    Those higtened talents certainly point to high functioning Autism IMO, please correct me if I have that wrong folks, I'm “fresh meat”, much to learn.


    From what my psychologist said to me, high functioning autistic's can't be doing with simple mundane tasks, they need to know how, why, all the little details, in order to stimulate the mind, also it must have a point, a reason, a practical function. …. That is certainly true for me.


    Before my diagnoses my old counsellor used to say, “why on earth don't you study something like flower arranging, spoon bending, whatever, instead of stuff that's hard work like philosophy, physics, psychology” ... Nah, boring, It's of no use/interest to me.


    When I was a child I was far more interested in some of the same stuff as your little one. My Granddad had a room full of interesting bits an bobs …. boards with switches on, old radio's, old TV's etc. I was in my element, I'd take things apart and try to put them back together (Didn't manage that all the time I'm sure) but I had to know how it worked. Or I was in his shed checking out his tools etc. my old Nan used to say “ he's brevetting again”

    I can't remember if I obsessively assimilated information, unfortunately my folks wouldn't have encouraged anything they spotted tbh.

    I spent most of my younger years in the little bit of green belt / woods we had locally, I now know why I had great trouble socially. I just preferred to be on my own in some wood or another, I seeked solitude and still do.

    Interestingly, my eldest son when he was only 18months or so shocked us with his ability to fill up one of these shape boards. .... Similar to your child knowing the shapes of countries I guess.

    It was a white board with cut-outs in which to pop the shape, sure you know the ones I'm talking about. These shapes had pictures on them but the shape did not follow the outline of the picture at all, no way you could tell what the picture was from the shape, just irregular outline. The board they fitted was just plain white, no pics or writing.


    After one day of playing with him, I don't know, one or two hours in total I guess, showing him where the shapes fitted, he went to bed.

    The following evening after tea we gave it to him again. As fast as we could give him the shapes he popped them in the board without hessitation, WOW! I said to my now ex-wife “I'm going to try and fool him” I gave him the board again after about half an hour break, but this time I gave it to him upside down, he frowned turned the board the right way up and seemed to look at me with disgust! ….. It was really funny! …. Again just popped em in with no hesitation. No guide to correct orientation of this board, just irregular holes in a random order, we were stunned.

    Now as far as I know he's not ASD …. Also he's not my biological son, known him from birth so he IS my son.


    Just to add to my abilities list.


    I can retain very long sequences of data in my memory, I have alfa-numeric passwords of quite some length. But strangely I couldn't tell you what number/character is at position 5, 10, 17, 33, 52 etc. The obvious beginning and end and next to them yes, but most others I'd have to count it through. Its like it fit's into a rhythm in my head.


    (Hmmm thinking, I wonder if we're seeing a connection here, rhythm, musical abilities mentioned in posts above) ??


    One girl friend tried to test me. Have you heard of “When I went to market I put in my basket” you start at A and continue through the alphabet ??

    First attempted at playing me she won easily, then she said "come on try", it bored me tbh but I said ok.

    She did well I feel, got one and half way through the alphabet before she lost track. She kept continuing with me and trying herself just for the hell of it. I got through the alphabet 4 times before she said “ok that's enough I give up” ….. Again it's like a rhythm in my head.


    Sorry I'm going on, hope I've not bored the hell out of the reader.

    Also an Aspie trait I think, the need to impart as much info as poss :) …. Until I pull myself up that is! .... STOP !!

  8. Hi Paul1234, good to meet you.


    There's nowt wrong with a little showing off IMO. I don't think this thread will develop in to an abilities/talent battle, at least I hope not.

    From what I've read and it certainly applies to me, Aspies are quite pragmatic so major showing off would serve no practical purpose what so ever.

    Of course many of these talents will no doubt be quite subjective. It will be interesting to see if a common trait links us all, other than the known shared traits like focus, pragmatism, logical approach, ability to think “outside the box”, ability to remember long string of data, emotional sensitivity (or confusion in my case), strong moral base, etc etc.

    Your ability to recognise a heard note, your no doubt deserved “Supercoder” title, your “junior chap” at sport are possibly a result of your Aspergers. I say possibly because all of these abilities/talents can be shared by some so called “neurotypicals” also. Not sure what empirical data exists proving greater instance of these abilities in Aspies. Someone here may know?


    Interesting to note that you have a reduction some of these talents as you've got older?

    Is it due to a reduction in motivation or a reduction in the hearing frequency range? Which of course is natural. Or something else I wonder?


    My hearing is still excellent, I can still hear high frequencies at 51yo that my brother of similar age cannot. My hearing is better than some 20yo's.

    Would be interesting to know if others are experiencing a reduction in these talents as years go by and why they think that is?


    I don't think my confusion and troubles growing up has hardened me “inside” as with you. I'm extremely emotional, don't understand emotions at all tbh. I can go from fury if I'm aggressively challenged or insulted morally to terrible teary sadness in minutes. However, having said that, if someone dear to me needs help/support be it from a bully, an injustice or whatever I can hold myself together. I do crash afterwards, I've been known to sleep for almost a day due to the effort of controlling my emotions.

    Contrary to your good self, may be that is why I haven't achieved/reached my full potential, yet!

    Now I know why I might be able to. :)


    Please excuse my grammar etc, unlike many of you academically I'm weak and getting my thoughts/ideas across clearly to folks is a struggle at times.

  9. Hi again trekster.


    I'm hoping folks will join in, it is very important I feel for Aspies to recognise the positive side of Aspergers.


    There is so much negativity on many of these forums. ( I do of course understand why ). I'm like you, if I'm knocked down regardless of how hard I've eventually get up to join the fight again.

    I have no letters after my name, no qualifications, but life and my experience has taught me so much. I went to college to study social sciences, my interest being mainly psychology and philosophy. Unfortunately when it came to giving presentations I just couldn't handle that and left. Shame really because one of the tutors wanted me to go to Cambridge, may be in the future when I've learned to manage and fully understand my Aspergers.


    I've noticed that many people who've suffered / struggled through life have abilities that surpass those of people that haven't. Stigma blinds many to these abilities, in fact, I'd go as far to say that folks who've suffered are "better people" as a result.

    Like you I can tell pretty quickly if someone has had major issues throughout their life, not specifically Aspergers as this of course is new to me.

    They have a certain way about them, very broad minded, understanding and tolerant, something I can't quite put my finger on that sets them apart.


    I may get involved with Aspie groups at some point. The closest group is 1 1/2 hrs run away in Llandudno, one around here I'm sure would be of benefit to many.

    I'm also interested in genetic research on Aspergers/ASD

    For now though I'm doing/concentrating on what makes me feel good!


    I have a similar ability when it comes to music. I'm no musician ( I do play the Bodhran though ) but if I've listened to an album many times, even from 30 years ago, at the end of the last track I know exactly what track is next.

    Couldn't tell you the name of it and couldn't tell you in the middle of the previous track, only as it ends, those last few chords trigger the memory and I can sing the start. Probably out of key! lol


    Well done getting folks the help they need my friend, as in my case so many are missed and failed to some degree by the system. Don't get me wrong I'm not bitter, I had wonderful counsellors that prevented me from stepping over the precipice again and I'll be for ever grateful. It's just a pity that my Aspergers was not picked up on earlier, much earlier when I was a child, I feel I've not fulfilled my potential. I'm a young 51 so I've loads of time to do that. :)

  10. Hey badgerface, I was also going to move on due to lack of response. Everyone here cares and will help, I see that now.


    You may be surprised to find how closely others relate to you, your experiences and feelings, I sure can.


    My diagnoses has freed me from many years of sheer frustration, confusion and pain.

    I'm not saying I won't have lows/bad times in the future but at least I now know why, knowing WHY was a big thing for me. The search for answers is over, now I can focus on managing/living with Aspergers.


    Welcome and join in when you feel able.

  11. I always try to focus on the positive, don't always manage it but I try


    Just wondering what abilities you have that many neurotypicals lack.?


    Firstly, I have an incredible focus for many hours on whatever I'm doing/interested in and learn pretty quickly.

    At 51 I still have to assimilate as much information/knowledge as possible if something piques my interest, bordering on obsession

    but I'm more in control now.


    Secondly, my hearing even at this age is acute, I can hear high frequencies that even some younger than I miss.

    When I was younger, around 20-25 I remember putting my head against my brothers dogs head, a Border Collie, I could hear a constant high pitched whistle.

    This only seemed to be when she was very happy, a form of communication between dogs I wonder? ....... No one else could pick it up.

    Also while out in the woods with my best mate I knew if there was an animal close by. I would say "over there" and 8 times out of 10 an animal would emerge, he could never work it out.

    I was not concious of any sound or sight that I remember, I must have picked something up. Even today I seem to know if something is close by, I spend many hours or even days in the forest, I feel at ease there.

    Sense of smell is lacking so it can't be that. ... Oh and I don't believe in the supernatural, I'm more of a scientist if anything.


    I have hyper sensitive touch/skin .... Dermatologists words not mine. That can be a pain in the proverbial though, I can feel the hairs slightest movements and constantly feel the need to sooth one itch or another. :angry:


    Positive abilities preferably but feel free to moan about one that irritates, lets keep it positive if we can. :)


  12. Aspie life sure is a labyrinth, I'll add that taking the "scenic route" as snowdon says, gives you more time to learn about yourself, painful I know but the light does get brighter my friend.

    Possibly you need to get back to basics, learn what you can and can't do so you can manage your Aspergers better again. And try not to beat yourself up.

    Oh and don't forget the Aspie strengths that many neurotypicals lack, it's an elite club!



  13. Hey uklad, welcome.

    I'm new here also, recently diagnosed Aspie.

    You would be surprised at how much I can relate to your introduction post.

    Diagnosed after a major breakdown with BPD (Border line personality disorder) 15 years later I'm found to be an Aspie, it's who you see tbh.

    May be that's not fair, much more awareness for ASD now I feel.


    Regarding labelling, well, believe me BPD has a lot more stigma attached to it, anything with Personality in the title makes folks go "whey" and their expression changes!

    Nowhere near the same reaction if I disclose ASD.

    And another thing, yes it may be a bit of a double edged sword but realising you're ASD could set you free, it has me. Also we have certain abilities that so called neurotypicals do not, or at a lesser degree. Focus! Mosts Aspies focus is very intense and long lasting, you and PC's for instance. I never touched a keyboard until 1996 and in short order I could re-format, re-install OS's played with Linux (early RedHat days, loads in command line) and in the end build. If something piques my interest, look out! ...... I have many hobbies because I just need to know, mainly technical. ...... See the link?

    Like you, sensory overload, sound mainly with me. Rooms full of people I don't do, chit chat I don't do, just can't see the point in talking unless it has meaning, they mention something of interest to me, technical, physics etc etc and off I go!

    They normally back out because I go to deep and it kills the light conversation.... Ring any bells?


    The diagnoses has had the effect of making me feel stronger than I've felt for many years, I needed an answer and now I've got it .... See, the need to know again!


    Oh the sensory thing again, I'm never more comfortable than when I'm out in the woods, constant thought analysis diminishes greatly, I feel at one with myself and with nature. I understand nature far more than I do other human beings.


    I hope you get to see a good clinical psychologist soon, you sound like an Aspie to me but what do I know ;)


    Oh and don't worry about spelling / grammar here, I'm sure there's no grammar police ........... If you're like me you will have checked and double checked and still annoyed with yourself if you find an error!

    No doubt I've made many, other than your good self who cares really?

  14. HI there and welcome, just wrapping up with the psychologist myself, 51yo here.

    Not arty really, others disagree as I love photography and occasionally produce a few nice images. Not a natural eye, I have to work at it. ;)


    BOOM back my friend, whatever it means! ................. :peace:

  15. Hello trekster and thanks for the welcome.


    I was beginning to wonder how friendly this site was tbh, 70 odd reads and only one welcome! ...... Errm, I don't know what to think.

    Maybe I'm too open and folks are at a loss for what to say. Many years of counselling, I'm used to talking about myself and very open as a result.


    Well it took 15 years with the wrong diagnoses and going nowhere before a damn good clinical psychologist put a finger on the problem within three sessions!

    Oh well, I'm here now and going forward.


    I hope you get the help you need my friend, if one can't help then another may, never lose hope, that's the main thing. Don't know what CPTSD is tbh, I'll do a search.

    Flooding socially didn't work, I now know it was not the thing to do especially for an Aspie, made things worse actually. Now I know how to manage myself.



  16. Hi guys an gals.

    I've recently been diagnosed with Aspergers/ASD.

    Since I was a child/young adult I felt very different to all the lads at school, socially I was always on the perifery, sat in the corner at disco's until alcohol

    Made me comfortable enough to move into the crowd. My childhood was very difficullt.

    I went about in my fantasy world where I imagined myself a robot, detached, logical and no emotion. When I mentioned this to the Clinical Psychologist several months ago now, I said "I supose that sounds strange" she replied "no, not at all", I now know why.

    Since these early years I've been on one very strange journey, problems socially and in relationships, I won't go into my journey in detail just yet, I will later on I feel it will be interest and helpful for other Aspies.


    I had a major breakdown in 1995 which resulted in a long hospital stay due to self harm. On leaving I was taken under the wings of the local North Wales Mental Health Team.

    I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and for fifteen years I've seen psychologists, counsellerors, you name it. Tried Dialectical behaviour therepy Infact, I was a test subject for that here in North Wales, CBT etc etc. I was trying very hard to come to terms with things/myself, trying to understand and find answers, took the advice to go out and socialise, flood myself so to speak, this over the years only exacerbated the problem, why on eath can't I do this, what is wrong with me, I'm not stupid!

    I even studied psychology (social Sciences) at Coleg Harlech to try and understand myself and others. I left when I had to give a presentation to the students, I couldn't handle that.


    BPD never sat well with me, I knew more about myself than anyone should, analised my thought processes and actions at every turn, I knew there was something more than just a less than ideal upbringing to put it mildly. I said on many occasions, yes I know all this but I still think there is something genetic because even with all this knowledge I can't move forward. ( I realise it's a developmental disorder) No was the answer, you've just had a difficult young life and rubish parents. I said to my care manager who had come to know me very well over the years, there's just one thing missing I know it, one more layer to peel away. He retiered, loosing this incredible man had much more effect on me than I anticipated, he kept my head above the water. Things got really difficult again and I was reffered to a pyschologist once more.


    Thinking here we go again, no answers just more life evaluation, I went along with no great expectations. ................. By the second session she'd obviously picked up very quickly what the problem was asking if I'd ever heard of Aspergers syndrome (now under the ASD umbrella but the term is still used), yes I'd heard of it. I completely dismissed that comment for some reason, I'd never thought along those lines before, in the third session she mentioned it again and thought it may be the underlying problem.

    I researched it online and BANG I started to get excited, anxious, whatever, I don't understand emotions tbh.

    Almost everything I read fitted like a glove. I was suspicious and very wary of grabbing hold of this because of my great need for answers, the more I talked about it with her and researched the more I came to realise she is correct, the evidence is irrefutable.


    I'm rambling on, sorry, to cut it short .......... Very difficult childhood years, very difficult years up to 1995 when I hurt myself, 15 more difficult years but eased by my entry into the mental health system, now I've found, more accurately been given the answer, I'm able to move on, the last layer has been peeled away. I've cried rivers of tears out of relief, there is light at the end of my personal tunnel.


    At 51 years of age I'm feeling better/stronger than I've ever felt before.


    Of course the diagnoses is a double edged sword but I've learn't to see the postive over the years, mostly, I have incredible focus and learn very quickly, pragmatic and logical. Oh, and fantastic acute hearing! ............ Positive Aspie traits! :) …........... I still feel there are genetic differences to be found, some substitutions, additions or deletions of DNA bases possibly?

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