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Posts posted by tudors

  1. Hi, yes I am on 3 psychiatric meds at present, an anti depressant, anti psychotic and an anti anxiety. I am under the CMHT, see a psych, GP and go to a group therapy once a week for people with personality disorders. I don't really cope to be honest, I'm always on the edge of needing to be hospitalised, been in a psych ward 4 times, two of those times I was sectioned. my family are supportive of me being LGBT and of my mental health and possible Asperger's diagnosis.

    I have very few friends, one best friend and a couple of online friends, that is it.

    I think the cause behind my emotional difficulties is a combination of genetics and life events, for example bullying and abuse.

  2. Hi my name is Oliver.

    The other month my psych said she is certain I have Asperger's and wants me to be referred to a specialist place in Sheffield for a formal diagnosis.

    I see a psych and other MH professionals because I have emotionally unstable personality disorder, severe depression and social anxiety

    I am also a female to male transsexual, who is gay and asexual.


    I have now read up about Asperger's and it makes a lot of sense for me to probably have it, so much of it fits me and little things I am beginning to notice I do and have done for as long as I can remember.

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