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Posts posted by mansel2014

  1. Good Evening,


    Having researched the studies on Asperger Syndrome, one has to face facts.


    People skills come from self confidence and self worth.

    Friendships and relationships are extremely important.


    When special interests become self defining, you need to broaden your horizons, in order to learn to ready body language and develop social skills.


    Your daughter will also face naiveity from friends and peers, so its important for her to understand where she is on the spectrum and identify what support she needs.


    A great book is Aspergers and Sexuality by Isabelle Henault.

  2. Good Evening,


    I know only too well the affects of Computer addiction and obsession.

    At 24 I passed out three times in a cinema and was taken to hospital having extremely low blood pressure.

    I once played the RPG game Mercenaries for 15 hours straight and then had to sell the console and not touch a games system for several years.


    What one can do is fixate and look inward, and be defined by a special interest or pursuit or activity.

    It takes over from a lack or personal and social relationships.

    It covers up low self esteem and self woth.

    Its escapism in the extreme, becuase once the power is disconnected your back in the real world with limited self worth.


    I can give advice.

    Take up social activities.

    Get engaged in things that socialize around people.

    Accept that the world is 98% prototypical so accept in yourself that you have a problem and like Clark Kent owe it to yourself to find out as a much as possible about Aspergers to diagnose yourself and identify where your at and then start getting intervention and coping strategies.


    Food controls anxiety levels, as its brain sugar.

    Physical exercise protects against depression, and running thoughts and ideas past parents or close friends helps you gain understanding.


    You need to face a problem to be then able to deal with it!

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