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Posts posted by maaya

  1. Hi


    I have just completed the ADOS assessment and had my mum (I'm 42!) Interviewed, as well as my husband. I found the whole process extremely anxiety provoking. My mum seems completely dismissive of the whole idea as does my husband so I ve been feeling very unsupported. Its making me feel like I have been making all my problems up. When my husband spoke to the psychiatrist it felt like he was talking about another person not me. He denied I had specific routines and obsessions when I know I do and he also said I was fine talking to people when I so am not!! I am now anxiously waiting for the report and am finding the wait agonising I hate not having the answer. I just think the diagnosis would explain so much of my problems instead of having multiple mental health labels. Am wondering if anyone else had these issues when diagnosed as an adult?

    I would be grateful for any thoughts.

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