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Mr Salvador

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Posts posted by Mr Salvador

  1. Ok so I agree with what you say about learning to adapt


    However trying to appear normal does tire... Or at least did tire me out something chronic. It has been part of a lot of my discussions here since joining.


    I would imagine that you would prefer not to have to hide being a traveller, the same I feel applies to autistic traits. I am now concentrating on being myself and 'proud' just as im sure you are about your heritage.


    I hope one day we don't have to try or pretend to be like everyone else, for indivuality is encouraged in this modern world is it not?


    Good luck on your journey

  2. I agree with the point about annonymty. People, especially a young boy, need to have privacy protected.


    This site gives autistic folk a place to be themselves without labels of discrimination.


    Swapping addresses therefore is not suggested. If adults were to meet up we would meet somewhere safe with caters or family to mind things.


    I would therefore suggest you allow him use of the computer to chat on here under supervision if you wish


    many people here will be available for him to talk to


    Further to that I would suggest you are careful of limiting his development. Freedom on this site is safe enough. I'm sure many aspie's like me are dyslexic and hate pen and paper

  3. Thank you you're most kind!


    They were my words but I've picked out some others from history to reinforce the message. its meant to be inspiring, although im not sure if the title was quite accurate?!


    'The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” – William Arthur Ward

    “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou

    “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can change world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead


    “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.” – Henry Ford


    “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Martin Luther King


    I believe that we should all try to embrace the good sides of our personalities. wether severe or slight, autistic people have many gifts to offer society. I believe its up to us to make the most of them so that we can help to facilitate acceptance for the masses. Show your best side and be proud to be you! - Mr Salvador

  4. I remember being told very often as a child by doctors that I would 'grow out of it'


    this is an addition the comments on another post about 'middle child syndrome'


    neither of these don't exist. if the doctors were autistic they would have said clearly, 'I don't know what this is, let me do some research'


    however they are not, and use ambiguous words and paraphrases to basically hide the fact they don't know

  5. Hi Guys and Girls




    I don't know anyone can point me to the thread where i can about jolting and jerking as i be having that lately


    is this dyspraxia or is it because of the marphans?


    could it worse recently due to stress factors?

  6. Hello Mike and welcome! I suppose you could say that my overriding ambition is to change the world too. I'd have done it by now it wasn't for my executive dysfunction... Oh well, I'd better keep trying. ;)


    excellently put

  7. Another person on the same website has attacked me now saying I am blaming other people for my own faults and that I am arrogant, egocentric, Narcissitic, argumentative troublemaker etc.


    They cannot understand that they have been giving worst case scenarios to me such as saying that if I did not get on its more likely the lecturer was right and I was just not good enough, and when I defend myself get called high maintenance, so I defend myself more and get accused of rants and attacking THEM.


    So like I said in my original post no matter what I say they see me as a bad person!


    so which website is this? I wouldn't frequent a place with needless abuse. I joined this iste because its for people on the spectrum to be honest and talk openly where some other sites have too many NT's on putting their bit in.


    unfortunately sometimes they just want to get into dispute. someone said it earlier about 'it takes a special type of NT to enjoy causing misery to others' that you mihaela?


    concentrate on your targets and goals and be savage with cutting out other people in your life that don't help you toward your goals.


    sounds like people you don't need to be listening to filling your head with rubbish just to psych you out, thinking that the worse you do the better they will ....


    that's 'that type of person' again


    do they not call that the beginnings of 'sociopathy?'


    totally agree with you mihaela. I think that this is the mist of confusion bread by the old saying about 'the greatest ever trick...'


    "As long as we're fighting alone we'll very likely fail, for our persecutors will always twist things to make it appear that we're in the wrong."


  8. As we are hopeful of their not putting us down through ignorance,


    They are ignorantly hoping that we do not put them down through excellence.


    Bitterness is the symptom not the cause, the cure is education and enlightenment,


    Enlightenment is the journey, not the destination.


    One is only right or wrong in one's perception, if you perceive the world around you to be right or wrong then it is or it isn't....so concentrate on one's dreams or the opposite will consume you


    Allowing others to succeed with their oppression is to deny one's 'self'. Remember that.


    Try to remember that the bullies in life were once oppressed and often know not what they do, we should pity them and help them in the way they need that no-one ever did.


    Be strong in yourself, to know yourself is to love yourself, be excellent be different be happy. Don't let the hurdles get in your way no matter how high they are, no matter how much the elements seem against you, if that's your way brothers and sisters, walk that way


    Follow your dreams and be amazing, be YOU!

  9. I can only usually endure it at my usual place they've known me for decades! I smoke my fag and casually walk past and check out if there's a cue, if not I duck in and striaght to the seat. I don't bother with it usually but it just grows.


    It gets thick and sticky uppy like Einstein


    After the ordeal the other day I just shaved it off so gone from Einstein to vin diesel in about 15 mins


    A bit like my intelligence when I get stressed I guess


    It was our 1st year anniversary yesterday so apparently a tidy up was required


    I actually like how it feels now its this short, much more sensory than the floppy stuff

  10. Well said livelife. I didn't know how to say what I thought without treading the line. The cause is just but the colour is just too much and would stick out even more.


    what about other colours or choice of text?


    Like the front says 'sarcasm is the lowest form of wit...so if you really think your clever...'


    and the back says 'try and make an Aspie laugh'


    Patent pending on that one ok so if you print that im having mine for free. Black with small white letters that look like ZXspectrum text


    I'm game for blurring the lines and helping spread the word for understanding, but I don't even usualy have text or branding at all on my clothes let alone orange.


    Why not do 'customize your own shirt to support austim research'

  11. The system is flawed in many ways and we are still fighting the system...


    My gf works in mental health and doing nursing course and she's writing about the stuff at the forefront of equality for people with diasabilities. A lot of it is funding based and or govt infuenced and they know that they should be making 'reasonable adjustments' for us but making work in a practical environment is down the the individuals to impliment.


    If you're NT lecturer is looking to squabble about it, go over their head. To your department head?


    You may have other lecturers with disabilities who may be able to sympathise and give you information specific to your college or about how to deal with that particular person.


    There is much impatience and bigotry in the world. Its up to us to make the most of our rights and push for your dreams. Try to find someone there who can be 'on side' so you have a positive influence on your mood when things like this happen.


    In a strange way, its like the world is trying to stop us being amazing. I think therefore its up to us to not let them win

  12. too true. Why should we care. I just want to get sacked for out of turn behaviour.


    Usually this happens


    I want to go back to work and be accepted as an aspie. Perhaps it will happen someday. I hear there are places to help autistic people back to work and grants for special adaptations that may be needed. There's a topic here with a link, if you can't find it let me know

    oops, I said want to get sacked, I meant don't want to get sacked for behaviour

  13. The biggest advantage she has in life is the support of and understanding of a careing family and with that the best of outcomes are a real possibility as she will have all the support and care she needs to achieve her full potential.


    This I imagine is paramount. a caring and understanding family would have helped me greatly. if you do nothing else for your child, allow them the space to be themselves and never put limits on their interests or forget to notice the good sides autism can bring. selflessness, logic, lateral thinking etc

  14. Yes having problems accessing your memory can be an asperger thing. Sounds like she runs out of steam because 'being good' is hard work having to think all the time what she needs to do to keep others happy. This can be related to hormones, diet, hunger or sleep patterns.


    yes I agree, I am told my symptoms including memory issues are made worse when im tired and hungry

  15. sorry to hear this. its never good when they leave us with the no win scenario!


    they say they can make special adaptions but then tell us we're using our ASD as an excuse and then in fact take away our special adaptions of wither the physical or in mental sense, they take away the things that gave us balance so that they can then find advantage to themselves.


    its so not cool, but they think they are. making laughs at our expense isn't what id call cool


    its good to get it off your chest here. ive found people here to be most kind and generous with help and advice


    Um, enrich is not exactly the word I would have used. Curse is more like it. The numbers just stay there permanently. I can't get rid of them. I can't forget them and (with the exception of numbers and patterns) my memory is pretty poor.


    I agree with your logic regarding work but it doesn't seem to be the case. So for all my abilities with numbers and 3D objects, I am unable to hold a non work related conversation at work. I find each day increasingly more difficult as more is expected of me but I'm not coping and I'm spending increasing amounts of time shut in the toilet just because I can't manage anymore. I think it would be ok if the NTs understood the sometimes exceptional skills but normally they don't like it. I've been a called a circus freak for mine. They don't like it when someone that can barely talk, can real off numbers with ease.


    I relate to this all too well. im hearing your frustration with the NT's attitudes. its harsh the way the disbelieve exceptionalities. they even have NT's like that, for example the runner Bolt, he may be the fastest man in the world but he probably doesn't have a clue with maths. whereas the captin of the chess team isn't on the football team you know?


    so why cant they understand that just because we're not chatty, perhaps that means we'll be better at something else??


    they don't think


    I have also been called names for being smart. I don't understand. idiots with golden boots get praised and paid, yet intelligent minds are not encouraged to be limitless, only beaten down and trained to the monkey see monkey do style its always been done. that's NOT me

  17. Its not just the martial arts for me, I work in engineering as a draughtsman. I was six, when I discovered I had an ability with technical drawing and 3D objects (not to be confused with artistic skill - I am awful at creative art). Some workmen were in the house and one of them left their plans on the floor, which I found. I had never seen a technical drawing before and freaked the guy out when I proceeded to explain why their design wouldn't work because stuff didn't line up. They didn't believe me. Two days they found out I was correct :). At work people think I must recite the numbers to myself constantly. But I don't. I can remember thousands of wire idents from huge electrical systems and know instantly when one of them has been duplicated and then go back to exactly where both of the wires are to prove that it has been duplicated.


    Mihaela, I like maps too. I've never heard of low functioning Asperger's but I suspect that might be where I am. If I am functioning I am ok, but when I am not functioning, my ability drops to the level of someone who is severely autistic.


    My mum always shouts at me for wearing boys clothes. She hates it. She says it makes me look queer but I don't see the problem. I prefer to look and feel of boys clothes. She has said several times that she wanted me to be girly so she could dress me in dresses and go shopping with me.


    Mr Salvador, I love taking things to pieces, changing it and putting it back together.


    id love to hear more about martial arts, my mind has been practicing for years having remembered seeing many films on tv late night Chinese dub-overs


    I wasn't sure if I would allow myself to practice these as im already big enough and don't want to become a liability if I go off on one??


    I did the same as a child, telling adults where they were going wrong with things, I remember my dad storming off many times saying 'ok smart[expletive] if you think your so clever you do it!' and I guess I did, rewiring sockets andfitting gas lines for the cooker and all manner of diy and stuff when I was about 5 or 6.


    I struggled through college years and fell down the slippery slope and had many dark years before I accepted myself just recently. I always knew my mind could do these wonderful things but every...all the NT's I mean told me I was either imagining it or crazy. I do remember my mum getting angry a lot saying 'how do you know these things you shouldn't know things like that at your age, who have you been talking to?!' when I was about 2 or 3. as soon as I could talk I was asking question my parents didn't know the answer to and they didn't take kindly to it.


    I managed to get a temp job with an electrics installation company wiring up all the hospitals in Leicester with CAT5 cables for a new wifi bed tracking system that's coming out soon, that was mazing and could picture all the wiring system and got nicknamed the terminator for my speed and skill terminating all the wires. it only lasted a month though as 'my personality didn't fit the team' I guess the guys thought I was weird and not chatty enough with the stupid banter. oh well their loss


    however I also related to some extent about this If I am functioning I am ok, but when I am not functioning, my ability drops to the level of someone who is severely autistic. I definitely have good and bad days, not sure if its anxiety related though. my gf says when im hungry and tired my symptoms are much worse, but I often forget to eat and stuff if either im really into something, or if im switched off that day. sometimes I lose half a day to starring

  18. Thanks. I do recognise some of the trigger points.


    as you say


    Getting agitated or routeens or specific sensory issues is apart of autism but left alone speaking personally I can manage to a degree the trouble begins when somebody tries to force me into doing something that is simply impossible for me to do.
    All that is needed is for NTs to tolerate our way of living and for us to tolerate their ways when they seem strange to us as they do to me very often.


    One of my trigger points is having my routine changed, I hate it so much either we've made plans why change it?! or at work, they tell they need 3 machines built by fting the same part to each machine so as to save time...but oooh no...they had a whappy because they've 'never had 3 machines in the bay who does he think he is, superman?!'


    I got so stressed, why wouldn't they want me to make corrections to the process and fetch parts myself? so apparently people awere meant to wait for the supervisor to see them not working and find out why and fetch parts. so if im the one covering the supervisor and he's off getting drunk or smoking in the paint boothe?


    so I went about my own little way and got into the parts room quite easily and found my own bits, its like they were complaining because I wasn't behind on my builds?? I don't get this at all...like they hate me for being capable?? building machines is excellent for me, mihaeal has said she can do this aswell, by seeing 3d in our minds and being able to spoin it round and manipulate the schematics so we can see what goes where inside and out.


    NT's don't recognise these skills and only want it done their way even if the build time falls way way behind


    the salesmen were telling they could have it by Friday and it wasn't even started till Thursday, the paint doesn't dry in time and when we have to put it together with fingerprints in the paint and blemishes and no signiature on the documents!


    oh my days, as you can imagine I couldn't avoid this so I had to find my own way into the locked offices to complain, this made my blood boil


    poor quality poor process poor effort all round except the agency aspie who earnt 30% less than the others who did nothing


    I need to also find somewhere who wants to me to excel, and gives me space to do so in my own way. im not bothered if they been doing it that for 20 years its NOT working! so what if ive only been here 2 weeks, I can see the errors you're making! I complained to the general manager and he said he liked me and I was right but there was a way of doing things and that wasn't the way.


    even he didn't seem bothered to make the system work, so why should I???


    one day I will find somewhere who wants my mind and I should imagine when I feel 'needed' in that way I shine like a star. even the fully fledged engineers asked me to help because they know I don't see the problems I only see the way around. im excellent at problem solving, just lame with spelling and m,aking sentaces/ paragraphs make perfect sense to normski's


    hows that for a trigger point? any way around it before complete acceptance in society happens?

  19. Thanks a lot. Its the first time I was able to keep ithe vent from everyone and not make a scene. I didn't know how it woud go down here so was apprehensive


    I wasn't sure about this place, but now im sold. Got to be a good thing having eachother.

  20. Wow that bit about seeing the 3d objects in your mind is me too. That's why I was good at building those filtration machines in my last job.


    Everyone was freeked out how quickly I picked it up but once the schematics were in my head I could see them and twist them all around and store part numbers. I was doing great at that part but the others said i made them look bad Nd obviously lost that job.


    That's how i fix things. I look at it and leave it and fix it in my mind first


    I love fixing things

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