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Posts posted by jayne

  1. Hi all,

    i havent been on here for a few months but wanted to air my view on something and see whether you thought i was being paranoid or worth investigating more:

    We lived in a small village for 10 years and our son who has aspergers was born there (our daughter was not), we have since moved 3 miles up the road 3 years ago but i keep in touch with the neighbours and the village school. Ive have noticed a pattern emerging on our old street (there are 8 houses on one side backing up against the farmers field and opposite a selection of flats and 2 bungalows) we lived on the side backing upto to the farmers field, not only does our son have aspergers but another 6 kids have either aspergers or full blown autism there ages range from the oldest at 13 years old to the yougest at 2 years old and they are all from the same side of the road to us within the 8 houses backing onto the field which funny enough is sprayed either once or twice a year (that i am aware of), the reason this has come to my notice again is the latest child has just had the diagnosis and considering the village has a maximum of 500 people and the school has a capacity of 58 kids (they have had a least 1 child per year ever since my son started in each class) it justs seems to much of a coincidence for my liking.

    Any opinions or advice would be most welcome


    Thanks for listening

    Jayne xx

  2. Since Louis was diagnosed at the age of 5 years old (he is now 9) he has had a bean bag in the living room, i dont know why but he sits on it all the time right up close to the tv and has so far worn out 6 bags due to the little balls inside getting squashed to death bless him, so i would say a bean bag is defo worth looking into.

    Jayne x

  3. Hi all, my son 7 has also collected loads of things but main ones are psp,ps2,ds,gameboy and now wii games he drives me around the twist wanting to buy them and costs me a fortune, managed to control slightly by giving him 10.00 per week and saying if they are anymore he has to save up, has worked out cheaper in the long run, also buzz lightyear, harry potter, spiderman

    Jayne xx :rolleyes:

  4. Hi my son who is 6,


    a) Can just about eat with a fork or spoon but will eat with fingers all the time has to be nagged constantly at school bout it.


    b and c) struggles to dress himself due to co-ordination difficults when at school is encouraged to and usually on PE and swimming days comes out with trousers inside out and top back to front and shoes on wrong feet makes me mad :angry: that teachers dont then sort them out for him so that kids dont pick on him and at home its quicker and easy to do it for him otherwise never get to school. Also cannot do zips or buttons or those hooks on school trousers.


    d) He has slept in a single bed since the age of 2/3 years old guard came off bout 4 years old, he never had chance to fall out woke up every night since he has been born 1 or 2 times through the night to get me so i can get him back to sleep ( i have to lay down with him till he drops off even now cos he is scared to be on his own) but since with have moved to bunagalow in last 3 months only been up 10 nights hurray :clap::clap: .


    e) Will still get me up to take him to the loo in the night and sometimes in the day aswell as he gets scared.

    Jayne xx

  5. Hi, we moved 3 months ago now we thought it would be a complete nightmare but Louis has been brilliant and adapted so well, we moved from a terraced to a detached bungalow due to the fact that he wouldnt go upstairs on his own at all because he was scared. Lucky for us we only moved 5 miles up the road in Bedfordshire, we found the bungalow was what we could afford but the location is right off the A1 but as it had a driveway it wasnt literally sitting on it, so we took lou and he loved it and has been a changed little boy since he goes to the toilet on his own and plays in his room on his own with his games(which he wouldnt do at all before) and the change at school is great to so we know we made the right decision. Fingers crossed yours does to.

    Jayne xx

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