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Posts posted by sesley

  1. For the last 4 months my 14 year old son with ASD, has been attending a NAS sponsored course called social eyes.they meet every Wednesday after school to interact and learn social skills like taking turns talking, respecting others points of views and life skills like eating out and going shopping.he is in a group with other teenaged boys on the spectrum, he still looses his temper, that won't stop, but its helping him to cope better in social situations.The shame is, there is no girls in the group, he needs to learn, how to inter act with girls.he also goes to a boys club, run for teenaged boys with autism, to help them inter act, playing games and eating together, he is having to learn to play in teams with others and to follow game rules, its a very good club he is not too bad in company now, but he still needs lonesome time in his room, with computer games.

  2. My 14 year old loves online roblox and mario games on the wii and he gets shouty as well particularly when he can't beat the machine.He gets quite aggressive, so I make him, turn them off for 2 hours or more to calm down, even though he is abusive and exploding at me, no viloence, just temper tantrum. Then he has to earn it back by showing he can be calm and excepting for what ever result.When his volume goes up I give the alternative of the off button, he knows it can happen, so his volume goes down again.

  3. A lot of parents in our support group,we know are educated, with good jobs, in management or professions such as medicine and teaching.we are very lucky to have the services others don't. I think you will find most of the prison population, are of people who have learning disabilities and on the spectrum, but have not been recognised by education authorities or their parents, and not had the support they needed, before ending up in trouble.

  4. Oh dear. Watched that noisy neighbour on channel 5 tonigh. I am so sorry for your suffering. All I can sugest is you record their noise and time and frequency. And go back to the neighbour and the police,with the evidence ,housing authorities, citzens advise people. etc it is harassement there is laws for race discrimination and harassment, there should be one for people who are different physically and mentally as well.

  5. I think you are very well restrained not to respond. So good on you.My 14 year old is now learning its ok to be angry, but not ok to respond with violence and vandelism to things. Its very hard not to be provoked and takes a lot of discipline. Bullying is awful it has long term effects on the victims.If you can keep cool and maybe get a punch bag to hit, that releases your feelings with out causing any harm yo yourself and others.

  6. We have a 9 month old cat, P is very good, though his stroking movements are irratic, and the cat responds with claws, in play, reacting to the quick hand movements. When P is in the mood I get him to feed the cat, to help him have a mutal getting to know you bond.Cat is very good and removes himself, if things are too much for the cat.

  7. Teenagers.mine is 13, and would happily play on a computer all day and night if he could, so i prod and nag him to do things, he is moody in the morning. He says why are you so happy? Stop singing! Stop dancing! Me to the radio music.lol! So! I tease him a bit.He does shout at me so I shout back, telling him I am not his slave! When he demands things.I bought him, some sure mens active deodorant on Saturday and have been showing him, how to use it.Ho hum! Its just a stage we need to go through, life is never dull here. be calm and in control, you have to establish your the boss and are not happy with his and with a sense of humour as well, it helps, because, there are funny bits and its a learning .When I tell him I don't, like the way he talks to me he climbs down from his high horse and does apologise and modifys his tone, I have now got him, putting his own toast on.I spread it for him, but that needs to be worked on.small steps at a time.Mine even says I love you, I don't know what I would do without you. Oh he is sweet at times.I suppose they are trying to workout who they are and what they are.The hormones starting to wake up sexual developments and body hair growth and feelings, etc is quite scarey in Standard humans, in autism it must be doubly frustrating anxious.When they want to be part of the group and find social situations even more difficult, particularly, mixing with opposite sex's etc. I have 3 older sons gone through it.P is my last son his ASD means he needs more guidence, but still needs boundarys and being told, about bad behaviour, he understands a lot more and is a lot easier to talk to.

  8. I suggest lots of bed time reading or reading plenty of times and talk to him as well say the names to things,you read,he looks at pictures,point at pictures say the words,eventually he will say them too.reading is a fantastic way of communication and it brings you closer together as you bond,reading is also a great way of soothing anxietys,as his attention is drawn to the pictures and whats going on in the storys.

  9. Motivation to write has been our battle. In primary school he did script for himself, but took ages rubbing out trying to get perfect shapes that a computer produces, he even rubbed out teachers writing, because it did not look right.and then refused to do anymore hand writing. I can now get him to put his name to birthday cards etc and compliment him on his neat writing, in high school, now, he has a script writer, but he is now gradually, getting confident to do more himself, which is important for taking exams in the future., so I guess for yours with practice and building of confidence, he could one day, be scripting himself.Does he draw? You can encourage him to draw shapes and images.

  10. Primary 6 at school did" I am special "course. It starts by talking about human bodies and goes into which bits do what and sometimes things don't always work.you can probely get a lot of advise and reading material from NAS the subject course includes sexual health and development, talkijg about people with different disabilities ,leading up to people with autism. We were advised if he asked questions you don't know, say I don't know now, but I will find out for you by next Friday, depending on the day he asks, then that gives you time to find out and if you can get reading material for him to read as well. Mine is 13 now, they were talking about the MMR and the measles on the radio and how some people feared the link with autism, so I explained, his autism, is genetically inherited and not to worry about what he might hear. Its an example on how aware mine is now and me guarding against mis information of autism

  11. The earlier of assessment the better. He can speak, which is good even if its rehearsed tv scripts. Do you read to him? Even looking through picture books is good, because you can interact with him and encourage him to say words . Don't feel guilty, he is not naughty, most likely confused and scared.its a very scarey world, imagine yourself in a foreign country, not understanding, the culture or language and wondring how to get around.


    Mine as a toddler was knocking other toddlers down in a cozy cope, making them cry and when I told him off he would not give me eye contact or react to my upset emotion. He mimicked charcters on Bob the Builder.his favourite saying was "well done Lofty"and for some reason 666!!! He was with me in the car dropping older bro at school and I used to go through numbers with him while we waited for the bell to go, 666 he must have heard. We went through speech and language assessment first and eventually by we had seen a child physcologist to get ASD at 4 years.Now he is 14 this year and with all the support he has had is doing very well, so its very important to get assessed as early as possible to get the right support especially for school years.

  12. I would do whats safe for you, treat him like a determined toddler running off.strapped in a buggy even if he screams and stuggles, until he learns not to run off. Do you take him to a park to run around? Maybe do that before shopping.I know they have loads of energy and at 4 he is stronger, than a toddler, and he is battling with you, so you have to overide his wants and show him who is boss, you! In the buggy have you a ipod or a walkman that you can play story tapes or music he likes?or you wear the ipod and drown out his screaming,he will learn his screaming gets no where, I know people will be staring, so an ipod for you if he does not want it, means you shop in your world while he safely struggles. You really must start showing him who is boss.Like all children, they need to learn boundarys and keeping him safe the way that suits you is important, until he learns he needs to be safe and trust you .

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