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Posts posted by nittenlass

  1. Hello Everyone,

    Thank you for all your very helpful replies, they are much appreciated. Apologies that I've not come back on to reply before but we're going through a sticky patch right now - our son missed three days at school last week. We had our clinic visit on Friday and we're going with the half-dose, that's 1.5 mg. Holding our breath - he got up for school this morning and was in early - yay!!

    Mother Eve - The clinic wrote a prescription for Melatonin and we got it from Sainsbury's pharmacy. It's in white capsules that can be separated, with powdered Melatonin inside. There wasn't a "medicine guide leaflet" of any sort with it. I seem to remember the pharmacist asking me if it was the slow release we needed when I phoned them. They had to order in extra supplies to make up the full prescription. Our local Boots told me they couldn't supply it as it was not on the recommended list of medicines.

    I'll keep you posted on this week's progress - see, I'm thinking positive!!! :)

  2. Hello everyone,

    I hope someone can tell me if they have had this happen with Melatonin? My son is 14 and is being "investigated" for possible Aspergers and/or possible ADD so appropriate support can be put in place in High School. Since the beginning of this year, he has been sleeping a lot to the extent that he will not wake up for school. The CAHMS clinic prescribed 3mg Melatonin to try and sort out his sleep cycle problem as one of the first steps. First week, marvellous, it was my son's first complete week at school since March - great! Then the second week was not so good, missed one day at school, then we had the school holiday week. Last weekend my son and his friend were "mugged" in broad daylight and he had his wallet and phone stolen. He is very stressed as a result, so last week was a nightmare for him. He missed school on Monday all day, missed Wednesday and Friday mornings. He just can't waken up. He's totally out of it. He missed school today again. Only woke up long enough to eat a little pasta around 12 noon and fell asleep on the couch again despite my efforts to keep him awake and readying him for school. He woke up eventually at 3pm. He gets really upset at missing school but we don't know what to do to help him. I wonder if the 3mg dosage is too much, or maybe Melatonin has this effect once it builds up in the system? Or perhaps his stress levels being high, it could be working against the Melatonin? We're seeing CAHMS again on Friday. We wonder if we should stop it altogether or give half the dosage. Has anyone had experience like this?

  3. Hello

    I'm the mum of two boys. My husband is a shift worker and I go to college three days a week.


    My youngest son (he turns 14 in July) has recently moved to his second High School. He's in second year. He has not been able to settle since Primary 5. We have moved him twice by choice (he thought it was a good idea both times) to different schools as he was being treated as if he had behavioural problems. We love him to bits and can't understand why others don't feel the same!


    We suspected ADD (ADHD without the Hyperactivity) and after speaking to Enquire.org we sought the guidance of our local authority Chief Educational Psychologist who has been a wonderful support. After talking to us at great length, meeting us and our son, he has told us that Aspergers is staring him in the face. That was quite a revelation. He even said it's surprising the professionals had not picked it up before now.


    I did some surfing on the net, found a list of signs of Aspergers, printed it out to show my husband. My elder son found it, asked, what is this, I told him. He said, I have all of those things. It hit us right between the eyes! He is right - his behaviours and personality is almost exactly as the list described. By the way, he is now studying Music at college and having a wonderful time there. He was branded "eccentric" at High School.


    Sorry this post is so long. I've registered to find out more about Aspergers. We know very little about how to help our son(s). We have the full support of the Chief Ed. Psych. thankfully. He is putting support in place in our younger son's High School once the new timetables start in June.


    Should we do nothing more for our older boy? He is now 19 and happy as a lark at college. We love him dearly and are very proud of him.


    Our younger son, we are awaiting an appointment with our local CAMHS unit for assessment. They have told us it should be in May or June. He is coping really well and we are so proud at how he has handled the school move.


    Anyway, I wanted to say hello and give you a "brief" :rolleyes: introduction to our family. nittenlass

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