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How can you have PDA and autism?

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Just been reading a bit about PDA as some it describes DS. From what I've read though PDA is related to but separate from autism, one of the differences being that in PDA the child has theory of mind. Yet I've heard of many children having a dual diagnosis but how can you if one of the criteria for is theory of mind when lack of theory of mind is part of the autistic triad? Am getting a tad confused now!



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I didn't think you could. The only PDA boy I knew had his original AS dx removed when it was decided he had PDA.

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Our consultant has just said she is sure that Ds#1 has PDA but describes it as an extra layer making his autism more complex.


Our area don't yet diagnose PDA, nor will they fund referring to the Elizabeth Newson Centre as it apparently costs thousands, probably party because PDA isn't yet on the DSM (is it DSM?) lists of conditions.


I'm unsure about the PDA diagnosis withregard to ds#1, I can see why someone might think that with regard to ds#1 and his refusals to do things, but he isn't IMO socially manipulative.

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I agree PDA does make things more complicated! Don't know how to answer the opening post as this is a discussion in debate at the moment in the PDA forum (see PDA website for link to forum) -Elizabeth Newson thinks it is separate from (but related to ASD) the NAS do not agree -they think it is autism with malice (not sure I like that a lot) if you read their paper on PDA......


The price of ~3K is about right but having been to the ENC I am so glad that we were lucky enough to get a referral via. PCT, as the assessment was very thorough and advice useful. Trick after is to get others to listen and believe as well.....


My son only has PDA diagnosis - he was almost diagnosed with PDD-NOS/ ASD till SALT at child development centre had been trained in Notts to recognise PDA and recognised it as fitting my son (she had been involved with him for almost 2yrs by this point and the CDC was no nearer to a diagnosis, though they recognised traits of ASD)


Suggest if you think your child has some features sussestive of PDA then to read the PDA website and PDA forum info. and see if it works any better for you than what you are doing now.... it gets confusing when the AS part says routine works best, give direct instructions and the PDA says "no I can't do what you want"


The hard thing for me to understand is why J will spend 30 minutes (for example) screaming, shouting abuse, tearing paper and saying "I cannot do it" when you ask him to write one part of his homework and you keep as calm as you can then after a point he will switch moods, do the work in about 10 mins - with me keeping him interested and on track -and then he will be like another person, happy as anything...... :unsure: he spends a lot of time and energy avoiding stuff that could be over in a couple of minutes if he did not go off like this!!


As I have said before if you ask him in a different way can get desired response without this kind of scenario


I feel with J is it definetely a control thing - he really cannot deal with being out of control and has to try and control things again. He also usually has a scenario in his head about how things will be and cannot cope if they are not in reality, he often asks you something, predicts your answer and starts to have a paddy even before you have a chance to respond!


But he can be the most loving child ever. Its like living with the little girl with the curl in the middle of her forehead....

Edited by westie

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