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So this is something I've been wondering about for a while whether it's another Aspy thing, or just a me thing.


My handwriting is constantly changing. I have counted four different styles that I use on a regular basis plus a fifth that appears every now and then. I don't really put any concious effort in to it, other than when I'm needing to write neatly. In those instances I tend to just focus on making the style I'm using consistent, rather than try to pick the style to use, as that requires a lot more concentration. Sometimes I can be good and write a whole piece in the same style, but often if I get distracted and go back to it, it will change, or if I get bored/tired then it will start to go scruffy and when I try and make it neater again the style tends to change.


I have noticed that certain styles tend to come out more frequently for certain occasions, e.g. I have one for writing my notes in at uni, another for writing them up at home and another for jotting down things for other people. plus various others in between.


Does anyone else have this issue?

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I imagine this is normal for most people :)


I really don't think it is? Or at least not with all the people I have ever known. Perhaps I've not explained myself clearly enough.


Certainly, everyone (bar one or two incredibly neat exceptions) have a neat way of writing things, and a more scruffy, but quick way of writing things, but I have only known one other person who varies quite so much as myself. I can go from very rounded and fat (in both neat versions and scruffy versions) to very narrow and elongated, sometimes italics (again in neat and scruffy versions). It's been commented on a number of times as people can often think it's two (or more) different people who have written something.


I don't think it's just a case of my style 'maturing' or anything, because I'm 23 years old and having been writing for a long time now! :D


It's nothing that really concerns me (not anymore), and it's mostly just a little 'quirk'. I was just curious.

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Handwriting is heavily reliant on hand-eye co-ordination and hence (hardly surprisingly) on the function of the muscles of the hand, arm and eye. Eye movement can be affected by the balance organs in the ear. The retina and transmission of neural impulses that control hand-eye co-ordination are affected by physiological changes including diet and the colour of ambient light. My handwriting varies with time and from day to day. I don't have a diagnosis of AS, but my son does. Not only does he have big problems with handwriting per se (he is only 12) but his physiology, like mine, is rather unstable - inexplicable fatigue, mood changes, disrupted sleep etc.


I think some people are simply more stable, physiologically than others, and their handwriting could be a reflection of this.



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