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Could I have Low Frustration Tolerance ?

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I was just wondering this because it seems to explain a lot about me, it's along story about how I came across this possible conclusion but after reading a thread complaining about a crack.com article about trolling behaviour (or something like that) I came across the term "Low Frustration Tolerance" after reading about how people who has this disorder seems to want their threads appreciated, so they tend to refresh the page after every 5 seconds and get frustrated if their "work of art" isn't getting the attention that it deserves...


Now that part from the crack.com article seemed to hit a little close to home but in a strange way it seems to explain a lot of my behavior..


From a quote from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low_frustration_tolerance ...


" in order to partly explain behaviors like procrastination and certain other apparently paradoxical or self-defeating behavior. It is defined as seeking immediate pleasure or avoidance of pain at the cost of long-term stress and defeatism."


1. This may explain why I keep downloading PDF's on computer related subjects and give up reading them after a while, and to be honest, I can't stand reading the introduction or the typical first chapter which gives a little history or etc on the subject. I WANT TO LEARN IT NOW!!! Is basically what goes through my mind.


2. I feel that my jokes, my work of art, my thoughts or opinions on the subject, or anything I post deserves a "Wow that's funny" or a "You know your pretty intelligent" or even a "I find your drawings to be a work of art" type of comments.


3. I hate it, absolutely hate it, when I get ignored or when my threads receives little to no replies.


4. I feel that I'm a paradox at times or even a hypocrite when I express my views of whats right or whats wrong, or to simply put it, I'm a riddle that not even I can solve.


5. #1 probably explains the "seeking immediate pleasure or avoidance of pain at the cost of long-term stress and defeatism." but it probably doesn't count since I'm self-defeatist and self-destructive at times. I'm almost always kicking myself or bringing myself down ...


Well there's the list of evidence that may suggest that I might have a Low Frustration Intolerance type of behavior and I'm hoping that someone might help me on the way of solving this really difficult puzzle, me ....


Thank you for reading.....

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I certainly have some of the tendancies you describe, and the male line of our family have a long tradition of 'never doing today what could be done tomorrow'. I'm sure this has plenty of drawbacks, but it did keep my father going until the age of 98, and prevented him from turning into a Boring Old Fart. How? Because having a plan or agenda for 'tomorrow' kept him forward-looking and interested when so many of his age (or 20 years younger!) had completed or decisively abandoned everything they had ever planned to do, so seemed to have nothing to live for in the future.

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