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Would the doctor be able to help with my sleeping problems?

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I'm incapable of regulating my sleeping pattern, currently either I don't sleep or I'm sleeping 11am-5pm. My body doesn't follow the 24 hour clock and doesn't tell me when I'm tired, also I get so caught-up in what I'm doing I lose track of time and when I do notice the time my executive functioning issues kick-in so I can't decide if I should go to bed or stay-up to tire myself out to try to sleep at a normal time tomorrow (doesn't work). Furthermore sleep is completely unappealing to me; I like being busy but sleep is just laying in a room in the dark doing nothing for 7-8 hours...I REALLY don't like going to bed at all. Obviously it's not an issue of stress or sleep hygiene...people keep saying things like to do something to relax, try herbal teas, switch off electronics an hour before bedtime, etc...these suggestions are not at all helpful, not least of all as the whole problem is not being able to do things like switching off electronics to get ready for bed! Over the-counter sleeping pills or melatonin don't work at all as the problem isn't that I'm not tired per say but that I can't stop doing what I'm doing to go to bed. The only thing that works is travelling half way round the world (-8 hours) to be with my boyfriend (who sleeps 9pm-5am), his sleeping pattern helps regulate mine but only for a short time. I can also often sleep on the sofa in the sitting room - I think because I can have the TV on so I'm still busy up until I sleep rather than purposefully stopping doing something to go do nothing (sleep). Not sleeping means I'm tired and the usual health problems that come with it, neurologically it makes my autism and restless legs syndrome worse too so it becomes a viscous circle with both conditions keeping me awake, plus as I'm sleeping most of the day I barely see sunlight and there's lots of things I can't do...which then makes my executive functioning worse too.

I think it's standard in the UK not to give sleeping tablets at all, and not sure what else could be used to help. Is it even worth going to a doctor about this?

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Hi. I go through periods of insomnia, coupled with having a child who also doesn't sleep much which means I rarely get the sleep I need. I get the restless legs too and my body aches a lot which shows me I need more sleep. But mentally, I just get more and more hyper rather than sleepy. Temazepam is sometimes given by doctors on very rare occasions for "crisis sleep" when you really are at breaking point, but is only usually prescribed for 7 days max. I've never found sleeping pills to work, whether natural/herbal, or prescribed. I like to remember that Margret Thatcher ran the country on only 4hrs sleep per night, regardless of whether I think she did a good job or not, it helps me to look on the positive side. I guess your life mirrors those who work night shifts. That's why I used to like working in night clubs. But it must be very frustrating, especially as there are things you want to do which are only open by day. I am not trying to offer advice, because it sounds like you've heard it all before, and i'd only be parroting nonsense that's been given to myself over the years, which I never found worked anyway. But I will say that for me, meditation is an extremely good replacement for sleep, and helps with my anxiety. It also puts me in the mood for sleep. I often fall asleep while meditating, which seems to work for me because i'm not setting out to go to sleep which removes the pressure. I don't meditate purposely for relaxation or sleep, I do it because spiritual progression and knowledge is my obsession......in fact, it's probably the main reason why I end up not sleeping enough in the first place! I find learning about it far too exciting to waste time being asleep, and as i'm being a mum all day, my time to spend on my obsession is precious. I feel like I was forced to do other things (such as school) when I was a child, and a teen, and a young adult, and I won't waste any more time now, when the choice is my own. But, what I'm trying to say, is that the meditation stems from my own personal obsession, which gives me the motivation to do it. If I didn't have the motivation for it, I obviously wouldn't do it. And if it's not of interest to you, it's not meant for you. So I'm wandering if there are any forms of relaxation that fit in with your own personal interests, which may help. As for changing your routine to be more in line with the norm, I kind of think everyone has their own rhythm and it might perhaps be your natural pattern. Whenever I've tried to change the way I am, i've failed. I've only really felt successful and happy in life since I accepted my own natural flow, and let myself be as I am. I asked myself who I was trying to change for, because I realized it makes no difference to anyone else if I just be as I am and make no apologies for it. Are you creative in any way? Maybe you are doing something really important or worth doing on your long solitary nights that you wouldn't get done otherwise? I don't know. Another thing which helps me, even if i'm really tired, is watching the sunrise. It seems to give me energy for the day. I don't know if any of this helps. Your mind is your mind, and it's the mind we need to gain control over so that it behaves as our friend instead of our enemy, but that's easier said than done.......and if your mind wants to stay up at night and sleep during the day, your only choices are to either accept yourself as you are, or become lord over your mind......in which case, I would again recommend meditation, particularly Zazen......... Good luck with it all, it can't be easy. With greatest respect. X

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