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About Marcella

  • Rank
    Norfolk Broads
  1. Hello again. Thank you for your replies. She has a Statement and is on School Action Plus, I am unsure what her current school is providing other than she has her own space and some one to one teaching. She is still expected to partake in all school activites. The schools I am looking at are general Special Needs ones, as far as I am aware there are no Autism Schools in my area. I have spoken with the parent partnership and to be honest they wasn't very helpful at all. I am running out of ideas as since her diagnoses everything seems to have stopped! At least before there was meetings and Dr appointments.
  2. Hello I am Marcella and I am new to the forum. My daughter is currently in Year 3 at a mainstream school. She was diagnosed 6 months ago but has has issues since Nursery. She generally won't speak to the staff and hates going. As she is getting older, getting her there is becoming more and more difficult as she refuses to walk. Her friends now comment on how she dosen't speak and I am getting worried that she may get bullied. I am considering sending her to a Special school, does anyone have experience of both types of education and how it helped/didn't help your child? Thank you for any replies.
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