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About Skylark

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    Norfolk Broads
  1. Thanks for the welcome. I'm sure my mum is showing autistic traits (and bendy traits too). I wonder about my daughter but have no good reason at the moment to rush her into a diagnosis of anything. I'm awaiting an MRI for my spine at the moment, along with other referrals that I've been promised. I'm having some mobility issues due to a mix of fatigue, nerve pain, muscle spasms and dizziness. I'd like to see a physio soon to discuss the best aids. I deciced myself to use a walking stick, a wheelchair part-time and a mobility scooter to help me 'walk' my child to school. I'm now wondering if a crutch would be suitable as I'm leaning on my stick more often. I feel young inside but my body seems to disagree....
  2. Hi - I've just been diagnosed with EDS Hypermobility Type this month and over the past few months have come to realise that I fit the profile of female Asperger's really well. I'm hoping at some point to get an official ASD diagnosis. I'm 41 and cannot believe it took them so long to diagnose me...I practically diagnosed myself and took my research to my doctors for verification!
  3. Hi! This year has been a revelation. Firstly, a cascade of symptoms over the past few years has eventually led me to a diagnosis of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (Hypermobility type) and in learning (voraciously, in a rather blinkered fashion) about EDS I came across its correlation with Aspergers. In learning about AS in women I was able to see myself described in surprising detail, enough for me to confidently put myself on the spectrum, though I would like a formal diagnosis. After I've digested the fact that I, and most likely some of my family members, have a genetic difference. I am a mum myself and would like to know how much my discoveries affect my child. It is a relief though, to realise that my quirks have a root cause.
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